On the Verge 10-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 9: Clarity<br>Sadia Bruce

On the Verge 10-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 9: Clarity
Sadia Bruce

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Lina S
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Nice preparation to revolved pyramid. I always find it funny when you say "Let's do some human movement". I'm not sure to understand what you mean. Great practice as always!
Julie M
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Wonderful for me, thanks so much. It was the perfect pace this morning and my hips are feeling the benefit xox
Jenny S
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It’s not the easiest pose for me, but I love the aftereffect of revolved triangle. It’s as if I can feel the toxins being released from my body. Thank you for including this posture today, reminding me I should practice this more often 🙏🏻
Lillian M
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Well I love this one but I am nervous about tomorrow. I think I will be fine.
Sadia Bruce
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Lillian M I have faith in you— you will have succeeded if you simply enjoy being in the body home! What a miracle... Have fun!
Sadia Bruce
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Excellent, Julie M— glad it worked well for you! Let me know how the other practices land! 
Sadia Bruce
Lina S Ahh, yes— I offer that "human movement" invitation a lot. What I mean by that is to explore moving in a rounder, more organic way that isn't so linear or "perfect." Does that make sense?
Sadia Bruce
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Jenny S Yes— revolved triangle is SOMETHING! Always revelatory for me... I'm glad it served you today!
Rachel S
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YEEEEEESSSSSS. I feel clear and open. Great twisting practice!
Sadia Bruce
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Rachel S EXCELLENT! Glad it served— twists are a revelation!
1-10 of 15

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