Chakra Vinyasa Flows: Solar Plexus Chakra: Crow Pose<br>Quamay Sams

Chakra Vinyasa Flows: Solar Plexus Chakra: Crow Pose
Quamay Sams

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Jenny S
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Quamay, you have a way about your teaching that encourages me to ease into and relax during a practice my mind normally resists (CORE). Dare I say I actually enjoyed this? Nice!
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Quamay! Deep gratitude for you, this practice, and season. Love and light to you!
Kate M
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Arm balances are challenging for me! I appreciate how you've designed this class to build gradually towards crow pose. Sweet! 
Quamay S
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Jenny S Jenny, that is amazing! I am very much a fan of hard work, but I also take the idea of effort and ease very serious on my Yoga mat. I'm happy that we can turn some of that resistance into enjoyment! 
Quamay S
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Melissa  Gratitude for your gratitude! Thank you! 
Quamay S
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Kate M You are very welcome Kate! I hope that this class can serve as a tool to help arm balances become LESS challenging! Keep going ;) 
Laura M
This was the perfect pace without getting me out of breath, loved it!
Eric M
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Thank you Quamay S  that was excellent. I’ve struggled with Crow pose a lot before - terrified of going head first into the mat. It was great to build all the muscle memory on the way through the practice - I stayed up in Crow for longer than I’ve ever done before, and had no fear of toppling forward. I feel peaceful and relaxed, with a sense of achievement to take into the day. Namaste my friend.
David G-
I didn't get flight, as I locked in with the nuances of the prior movements. I realized which muscles are undertrained and let go of "I should have gotten this already". Really a brilliantly sequenced class, and I will practice here again, training my upper back and inner leg lines to move in new ways.  
Renee R
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I love the lead up to this crow! I feel strong and centered. Thank you.
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