Renewal: A 7-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 6: Inner Freedom<br>Rosemary Garrison

Renewal: A 7-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 6: Inner Freedom
Rosemary Garrison

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Rosemary Garrison
It's wonderful to have you back, Gabriel W ! I'm happy to hear you enjoyed the pace and the sequence of this practice. Have you done the entire challenge? If so, I hope it went well. 
Ingrid V
1 person likes this.
this was pure bliss and challenging. Thank you Goddess for this amazing class. All your classes are just the best. much love from Europe  Rosemary Garrison 
Rosemary Garrison
Thank you, Ingrid V ! This is oh so wonderful to hear. I love the combo of challenging and blissful. Much love to you in Europe from California! 
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