Beyond Binary: Soft Heart, Strong Back<br>Miles Borrero

Beyond Binary: Soft Heart, Strong Back
Miles Borrero

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Jenny S
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Oh this was such a brilliant way to unwind, refresh, and stretch my body and soul after an exhausting day of spring cleaning. This class will be a go-to for sure on days when I’m feeling depleted. As I think I’ve said before, the chanting is the cherry on top! 🍒🍨❤️🙏🏻
Jenny S yay, Jenny! So glad you enjoyed! That makes me smile! 😍
Christel B
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Lovely, creative flow left me feeling great. Thank you. Namaste.
Christel B yay! So glad! 😉
Lisa Ferraro
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Thank you, Miles! Love the creative way of building and finding the shapes. And the chanting! 
Lisa Ferraro yay! From one harmonium higher to another! 😍
loving the schlumpy shoulder mermaid pose! 
Summer oooh, yeah! One of my favorites!!!
Michelle F
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Miles - otrapreciosa clase!
wow - your chanting was so guay I had to get up from blissful savasana  and start the chant again - and again! such a beautiful heartfelt resonance . im dipping into this series randomnly and its working out perfectly so far!

Michelle F amazing! So glad you are digging it! 🤗
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