Yoga and Faith: Forgiveness<br>Angel Brownlee

Yoga and Faith: Forgiveness
Angel Brownlee

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Nadine R
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I needed this class
Angel B
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Nadine R so nice to know. xo
Jenny S
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I hear you Nadine R…when I saw this topic I felt so grateful for this gift from you Angel. I am heading into my 7th decade and I still struggle with forgiveness over things from long ago. In this class I learned some really deep hip openers and was really surprised by how much my left hip in particular was holding onto. I will be doing this practice often for sure ❤️
Nancy T
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Angel’s description of forgiveness and how unforgiveness and lower emotions are held in the body helped me understand how much I hold onto from the past.  This practice was really helpful in finding those places still holding onto the past.
Angel B
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Jenny S such a blessing to do this forgiveness work together. 
Angel B
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Nancy T yoga teaches us so much about the wisdom and redemption awaiting us through the body.  So glad you find this class helpful! xoxo
Nancy K
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Beautiful deep dive into the hips. The perfect complement to my jogging! Thank you, Angel!
Angel B
Nancy K you are most welcome, friend! xoxo
Tesa Urbonaite Dunn
Great to see you on YA, Angel!  Very relaxing practice, thank you.  I have such sweet memories of the Temple Road Yoga Community! I hope you and everyone in Ft. Worth are well!! xo
Angel B
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Tesa Urbonaite Dunn Hi friend! It's so wonderful to know you found this series.  It's like a reunion! I do miss practicing with you in person and what a delight to know you're still loving Yoga Anytime.  Blessings to you, hubby and the boys in 2023! xoxo
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