30 Minute Yoga Flows: Strong and Aligned Flow<br>Rosemary Garrison

30 Minute Yoga Flows: Strong and Aligned Flow
Rosemary Garrison

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4 people like this.
Thank you, Rosemary. What a beautiful strong and gentle practice. I received so much. Perfect timing as I haven’t been here for a week or two and I went to the first new video here and it was this new addition of yours. So grateful for your gentle guidance. See you next time!
Kate M
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Classic! This took me back to my Ashtanga Vinyasa roots : ) Tapasya! Thank you, Rosemary : )
Rachel S
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That was wonderful, Rosemary! Just what I needed today. Thank you!
Sean M
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Thankyou Rosemary, this was my first time here . A good pace and clear instructions .
ill be back
David G-
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Love the love all! I was feeling similar things as all of you. It was a strong yet gentle flow. Built the heat big-time with the Ashtanga pacing (nothing works better to reset my body). My chaturanga has been off lately but found my mojo tonight. There is something about Warrior 1 that always excites me. It is never easy. Stoked for meditation in next episode. 
Kim Detamore
Rosemary! YOU are incredibly talented, balanced, and with a beautiful alignment in all that you do. You combine calm presence with clear direction, with much invitation to individuality. Well done. Thank you... I wasn't going to jump in to yoga tonight, but told myself that wth, I don't have to do it perfectly! I can veer off as needed, so I did that and then was pleased that my body could hang longer than anticipated. Mil Gracias.
Sandra Židan
This practice made me feel very calm and relaxed! Thanks, Rosemary! Namaste! ❤️🌹🥰
Jana W
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Thank you Rosemary! The fire is back now after this beautiful strong flow! fiery relaxed now 🙏🏻❤️😅
Kit & Dee Dee
Thank you! Wonderful practice
Laura M
1 person likes this.
Thank you!! 

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