Let's Feel Better: Connect to Breath and Body<br>Sarah Beston

Let's Feel Better: Connect to Breath and Body
Sarah Beston

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Kate M
4 people like this.
How utterly lovely. A blissful little practice. Thank you Sarah! : )
Sarah Beston
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Thank you so much for practicing with me in this short sequence, Kate M! Lots of love.
Jenny S
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I just did the full immersion.  First thing this morning I put on music and danced around the kitchen and yard while I fed my furry companions and the birds 🐾🐾🐾🕊️🕊️🕊️Then I did this very lovely and delicious little practice ❤️ I can report this is the perfect way to start the day!
Sarah Beston
Jenny S - I love this so much! Thank you for sharing and inspiring me to do the same this morning. xo
Sandra Židan
Thanks, Sarah! You've made me feel better today with this practice! Namaste! ❤️🌷🌼🥰
Sarah Beston
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I am so happy to hear, Sandra Židan! Thanks so much for sharing. Have a beautiful Sunday!
Lina S
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Nice idea to provide a very short class for those hectic or frantic days.
Sarah Beston
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I totally agree, Lina S! Any little bit helps! xo
Lenise Jay
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Sweet and short! 🥰
Sarah Beston
Hi Lenise J! I always find it amazing that even a short 10-minute practice can shift so much. Happy to be practicing with you here!
1-10 of 12

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