Burn Bright: A 14-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 6: Chop Wood<br>Ashley Rideaux

Burn Bright: A 14-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 6: Chop Wood
Ashley Rideaux

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Kelly B
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I really appreciate that I never quite know where we’re going next with these practices! It keeps me engaged and tuned into my body rather than on vinyasa auto pilot Here’s to letting go and cutting back to grow 🙏
Ashley R
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Kelly B thank you for this lovely note. I’m glad that the classes are keeping you engaged and a big yes to cutting back to grow❤️🤗
Kate M
2 people like this.
Finding the balance in side-lying tree is surprisingly challenging! A lovely challenge : ) I love the analogy you create with "chopping wood". 
Ashley R
Kate M I remember being so shocked at how tricky it was to find balance the first time someone properly aligned me in that pose. I had been unknowingly cheating for years and trying to figure out why so many people talked about how hard it was😂 I’m glad you enjoyed the challenge and the analogy😘
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