30-Minute Vinyasa Yoga: Expansive Bird of Paradise<br>Maeve McCaffrey

30-Minute Vinyasa Yoga: Expansive Bird of Paradise
Maeve McCaffrey

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Kate M
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Again - this sequencing is genius! I haven't worked this pose in a long while... I had to add a block to step off from on the entry to the actual pose - but I did it!! Once again - there is so much to explore here. Very exciting - very empowering! Thank you, Maeve!! 
Christel B
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Great transitional practice into Bird of Paradise!
Sandra Židan
Thank you very much, Maeve, for this interesting practice! My bird od paradise wasn't perfect but I did it anyway and I feel great after doing it! Namaste! ❤️🥰🌹
Jenny S
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I agree with Kate regarding the sequencing  - and although my BOP is (and has always been) a work in progress, this approach will be helpful to revisit whenever I get the itch to try again.  Many Thanks and Blessings! 
Laura M
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Great practice!!
Thank you :)
David G-
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Hey Maeve:  love the comments above. Work in progress for me as well. As with most leg extension poses, I benefit from having a strap (long legs are an advantage for cycling, but a definitely a hinderance with yoga). Agree that your calm cues and sequencing were memorable.  Best, David 

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Kate M you said genius! Genius! Hahaha. :) Thank you thank you. Very generous of you. I'm so glad you enjoyed the practice. I'm literally over here smiling. I appreciate you!
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Christel B thank you! I'm sure it was beautiful. 
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Sandra Židan I'm sure your bird of paradise was perfect for the day you practiced it, especially since you felt great after. Tell tale sign. Thank for moving with me.
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Jenny S ahhh, thank you. I hope you will revisit the practice and feel more confident with bird of paradise. It is ALWAYS a work in progress, for all of us. I appreciate you practicing with me. Best.
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