Nervous System Reset: Short and Sweet Reset<br>Stephanie Crochet

Nervous System Reset: Short and Sweet Reset
Stephanie Crochet

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Kate M
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What a lovely practice, Stephanie. Thank you! Namaste : )
Jenny S
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I had to double-check the running time for this class when it ended…I felt so relaxed and at peace and it definitely seemed way longer (in a good way) than it actually was.  A great afternoon reset for body and mind 🙏🏻❤️✨
Michelle F
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My goodness Stephanie - thank you! 
I´m enjoying this series so much - today´s short and sweet was incredible. I feel lately that time is just passing so scary crazy fast and this wee break was simply elastic - your voice is so soothing to begin with but like Jenny S i simply couldnt believe how short and sweet it actually was - how did you do that!???
loveandpeacexxxx x
Rosanna S
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I absolutely love your classes and teaching style. I want more! Do you teach love classes somewhere or online? I'm a convert!
Steph C
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Kate M Thank you Kate. xo
Steph C
Jenny S That sounds so lovely! I love it when time feels infinite :) xo
Steph C
Michelle F Thank you Michelle! What a kind message to share.  Please feel free to check out my website for offers and classes. Sending hugs! 
Steph C
Rosanna S Thank you for sharing your feedback.  Please feel free to check out my website for classes and offers.  xo
Rachel S
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That was so spacious for such a short practice! Fabulous! I am really enjoying this series. Thank you!
Lenise Jay
Thank you for that practice! 🧘🏾‍♀️☀️
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