Move to Meditate: Neck and Shoulder Release<br>Lydia Zamorano

Move to Meditate: Neck and Shoulder Release
Lydia Zamorano

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David G-
Hey Lyds: sorry, that was cool to hear you through a new name. It is cosmically strange to come back here after seeing you on Instagram yesterday. Mediations in cross legged position were impossible to enjoy before yoga. Today my mind wandered in meditation with the words of how I started this reflection. Mettaversey?
Lydia Zamorano
David G- Indeed! What an incredible journey. Thank you for reminding me to be grateful for the process of it all. With warmth, Lydia 
Sara S
The meditation was very interesting to me. I've spent most of my life shrinking down, now, you ask me to become bigger.  I gave my permission to grow big. Thank you for the meditation
Lydia Zamorano
Sara S Thank you for sharing this powerful insight with me Sara. This is a gift. With gratitude, Lydia 
Sandra Židan
Thanks for this beautiful stretching practice, Lydia! I loved doing it! Namaste! ❤️🌹🦋
Lydia Zamorano
Sandra Židan This one could be a daily thing couldn't it? Thanks for letting me know you loved this one Sandra. Happy! Lydia 
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