Family AcroYoga Artwork
Season 1 - Episode 7

Baby Flying Whale

10 min - Practice
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Deven, with the help of Sarah and Nico, moves through a backbend over Child's Pose. We then move into Flying Whale, which is fun for both adults and kids. We close with a song and find a hip-opening stretch.
What You'll Need: Partner, Mat

About This Video

Oct 22, 2017
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Welcome back to Acro Yoga family. I am really excited to have Sarah and Nico with us again today, and we are going to go through a flying pose called High Flying Whale. This is appropriate for little littles as well as adults to do with adults, and we'll show you both of those things. Let's start by breathing in, lifting up, exhaling together, and we'll take three alms. Alms, alms, alms, alms, alms, alms.

and we'll sing just once through the more we get together so join me if you know the words and you can just do the American Sign Language for more or together if you don't here we go the more we get together together together the more we get together the happier we'll be for your friends are my friends and my friends are your friends the more we get together the happier we'll be so our warm-up stretch today will be a back bend over child's pose again you can do this kids with kids kids with adults or adults with adults it should feel really good so will you come into a child's pose and let's see else try to and will you face in this direction yes yes okay Niko may I lift you up and you can place your kiddo sacrum over their back oh yeah and then you relax and you're a little lizard on a rock just like that it's kind of nice in the beginning to have a spotter in case your lizard begins to roll off and then I'm gonna take this opportunity to also come into a gentle backbend so my feet are firmly on the ground my sacrum is just in front of my partner's sacrum and I lower back and then I'll check in to say how does that feel it feels really good for me as well and I can straighten my legs if everything feels really good and maybe even reach my arms overhead take your hands back on the legs or the low back of your partner plant your feet on the ground and push yourself back up into seated so if you'd like to you can pause the video right now and switch roles so that everybody gets a chance to be the lizard and the rock so from here our flying pose for today is low flying whale do you want to base or fly well I get to base you so I'm going to come down onto my back and then I straighten my arms the flyer steps their heels all the way to shoulders and then gently place your hands behind their knee you want to be as parallel to the ground with your forearms as possible bases so that your flyer can sit down onto your forearms and then you connect your legs and you lower them back like a lazy boy recliner from here you can straighten through your arms and give them a little pulse check in with your flyer by asking them how they're doing how are you doing Sarah all right so sighs relax sounds that can feel really good and then to come down we'll place feet back on the earth keep your forearms strong and like a lazy boy recliner bring your flyer up and they'll come back to seated and once again you can pause the video and switch roles if you both want to try it now we're going to take Nikko into low flying whale so you can see what that looks like with a little one so Sarah will come down onto her back with the child what do you think you ready yeah so with the little where they are the more you really just put them on your legs there we go how you doing so he's getting a gentle backbend and a gentle inversion and you can notice he's comfortable enough to be facing away a younger baby might be uncomfortable facing away from you but toddler age and all the way up to adults they should be fine and then he'll show you with his body language when he's all done and ready to come back to seated with kids so you can notice here Sarah kept her feet a little bit flexed his head was resting on the top of her feet with adults heads will go through and the feet can be flexed to support the shoulders okay a little bit different there with kids and adults but essentially the same let's come back to seated okay we have our other cool-down song I don't know if I've shared this one with you before but you can hold on to your foot we're gonna do a gentle hip stretch that you might need for this one and if you know the words you can sing along rock-a-bye baby here we go rock-a-bye baby in the treetop when the wind blows the cradle will rock when the bow swings so gently and sweet it will send baby directly to sleep other side here we go rock-a-bye baby in the treetop when the wind blows the cradle will rock when the bow swings so gently and sweet it will send baby directly to sleep bring your legs together in a comfortable seated position and I invite you to join me in one home to finish our practice today breathing in Oh Oh namaste happy flying thank you Sarah


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