From Root to Radiance Artwork
Season 1 - Episode 3

Glowing Inside and Out

45 min - Practice


Join Emilie Perz for an invigorating yoga class designed to ignite your inner radiance. This energizing flow begins with circular breathing to awaken your body, then delves into hip openers and hamstring stretches through a creative and playful sequence. Incorporating Shakti mudra, this practice taps into divine feminine energy, leaving you glowing from the inside out.
What You'll Need: No props needed
Optional: Block (2)

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Blessings beauties. I'm Emily, and welcome to class today. We are gonna do a second chakra flow. That's all about going with the flow. So in positive psychology, going with the flow is about being fully immersed within something in our lives, whether it's an activity, or a state of mind that juices us up that makes us feel energized.

And second chakra, Spanishana, is all about that. The element is water, which is why I'm wearing blue, and this ability to come into the practice, being fully present with ourselves and our movement. So let's begin. Sit in Sukhasana, please take the right shin, cross it forward to the left, Find your sitting bones and ground them onto the mat and then take those hands today, turn the palms open for me, And I want you to sit and just think about cold water. So when that water hits your skin, wakes you up to being present. And as you take the hands like this, bring the pinkies and the inner wrist together, and this is called push Paputa.

So handful of flowers, but we're gonna take a handful of water to give ourselves a little rinse. So elbows towards your belly as you lift up tall through the spine. Take a moment to clone your eyes and sink down and in. Allowing the eyes to close so you can become the witness to your practice and moving your mind into the internal walls of your body underneath your skin. So how are you feeling today?

Energetically, physically, emotionally, mentally do a check-in. And then I want you to just recognize potentially areas of your life that haven't been flowing well these days. Maybe there's a sense of stagnation or procrastination or just inertia. And I'd like you to think of this water as a cleansing water. A water that helps to bring you balance.

And as you take a smooth breath in, Take the palms up towards the sky and then splash yourself with your hands. Like you were giving yourself a little rinse and then let the hands come back down towards the belly and flip them back open. Do that again. Inhale. Pulling the hands up towards the face, sun, and exhale. Dose yourself with the water again, doing a little cleanse, healing yourself from the inside out.

One more time holding the hands in this sense of a cup, a cup of water cup to give yourself a rinse, inhale, take it up, exhale, splash it, around yourself, cleansing out, anything you no longer need to hold within. Then bring the hands back forward with me and sit with the moment taking in how you feel after that little rinse letting go of anything holding you back from being in that state of flow. And then opening your eyes, let's take the arms up to the sky. Flip the hands this time and reach them up, and then pull them back down and in. So here's that little splash of the water, cleansing ourselves, and pulling ourselves back into the present moment, into the self, but getting rid of things that get in the way of us being in that flow state.

And then pull the hands back in one more time. And as we splash it up on this next time, we're gonna stay and breathe. And bring the right arm down and take a little side bend, flipping the left hand towards the earth with me. And then inhale sweep it up and take it right away to the second side. So finding this little flow or vinyasa on each side to stretch the side body, getting into the waist, getting into the shoulder head, and feeling around skin where we can come into a state of flow again.

And I'd like to make this a little bit bigger. So next time that that left arm comes up and you take it to the left, swirl that right arm down and start to sweep it around side to side now, getting a little deeper into the hips the low back, the lumbar spine, and feeling a little more creative with your arms. So that second shocker vibe is really that. Creativity, expression, the right to feel. So Earth element was 1st chakra. Right to be here.

2nd chakra, the right to feel what we feel once we're here. Next time you take it over to the left, I want you to pause and breathe that right arm overhead and turn your chest to the ceiling. And then drop that form down all the way to the ground if you can and really linger into that for a moment. Then inhale, press right back off that elbow, and we'll swirl it around to the second side, taking that left arm overhead. But dropping that right forearm down to get a little deeper into the waist, into the ribs, so to get a little squish on the side body.

And then pressing down through that hand, lift it up. Swirl it back to center for me and just pour over your legs closing your eyes and getting a nice stretch through that low back, the lower spine. And then let your hands slide back towards your shins. Bring the hands behind your back. Put your feet down to the ground and inhale into a reverse tabletop. So I always love to start like this. Maybe make some circles from one side to the other, feeling out the hands and feet.

Feeling a little wave through the body. And then lowering the sitting bones back down. I'm gonna spin to the side so you can see, I want you to slide your hands forward behind the back of the knees, hooking the thumb and index around those hamstring tendons. Walk the feet in just a bit, lift up through the crown of the head, roll the shoulders back, and kick up through the right leg and swirl that ankle out a few times. And then drop the toes down, lift up through the left, and swirl it around.

Just getting a little wiggle in them. Drop the left toes down, and then lift both legs up into just a little bit of a boat to begin flexing through the feet, flaring the toes, whatever feels nice, to get into the lower body. And then dropping those heels down close towards the back of the knees, bring the hands back, reverse tabletop one more time. However, lift your heels, boop, and come on to the balls of the feet this time. Walk your hands towards your heal bones so your knees start to go forward for me. And then right away, come on to the fingertips and notice a nice stretch through your quadriceps, letting the knees point down.

You'll also feel into the front of the pelvis, the hip flexors. And that second chakra is right there right above the tailbone in that solar plexus, sacral plex region, come on to the fingertips, lift your hands, and find a little balance where we get a little stuck in the body. Fingertips come down to the ground, spin your heels down, put a little generous bend to the knees, open the toes, and then hang like a rag doll and just feel it outside to side. So as we start to move those shocker wheels up, We start to unlock the hips in today's class, feeling out more fluidity between the pelvis and the belly as we move up towards that third chakra. Inhale lengthen the chest for me.

On an exhalation forward fold, hug your belly in. Drop your head. Close your eyes, and then let your hands just dangle this time and give it a little sway side to side. So waking stuff up from the roots from the feet now into that second chakra region, so we can express ourselves more authentically. Coming back to center in how elongate your chest, plant your hands, linger, left leg all the way back, and then do the right coming into a downward facing dog.

Right away. Peddle, press the feet, or do whatever that whatever feels good for your body. So instead of me giving you instruction, go in and assess out what's gonna make you feel good in the moment. Then lifting your heels up nice and high. Come on to the tippy toes, spin your heels over to the right, press into that left hand, and lift your hips up high to get a nice little side bending stretch through the left side on an inhalation. Let's roll back onto the toes.

Let those heels high as you can. Spin them over to the left. Press vigorously down into the right hand and get a nice stretch. All the way through that right side body as you press your hips up and back. And in inhalation, come on to the tippy tippy toes, And then ripple forward like a wave into a plank pose and lower yourself down, right, away onto the mat.

Sweep your arms back, lift your legs up for me, and find a baby shawlombossana, feeling that second chakra press down into the ground. And the levatee to the legs, a lightness to the upper body as the arms reach back. And then bend your elbows, bring your hands underneath shoulder heads. Tuck your toes. Use your knees. Press on to hands and knees in a quadruped position.

And the next, he'll take it right into a downward facing dog. Straw the feet together. And on an inhalation, take your right leg up to the sky. Sync your left heel down turn your right knee open towards the sky and then get a little stretch to those inner upper thighs and let your left shoulder come down just a bit so you can really look underneath your right armpit. Now on your next inhalation, lift your left shoulder away from the ground, Come into a plank pose and take your right knee and tap your upper right arm and step it wide outside the hand. In how your right arm goes up.

Give me a big giant twist. And then let's bring the right hand down inside the inner right leg. I love getting a little booty into this. So as I get low into this creative space, think like a dance, and pivot your toes to the left as you take your boot over to the right and drop into a Skandasana stretching your in or upper left thigh as well as just this pelvis region. I'm flaring my left toes so I can get all the way into the leg line.

Now lifting up through your hips, let's cruise it over to the left side. Stretch, you know, through the right this time. I have my heel up, but you can drop the heel down if you'd like. Now let's take it around the map. Over to the left, you go. It's a low lunge, lower your right knee to the mat safely for me, and then let's take the arms to the sky and find a low lunge as we sink into the hips stretching the upper right thigh.

In how arms are gonna go back, as you exhale, pull your left leg to straight and give me a little hanumanasana with no hands if you can, feeling into the back of that left leg. Then bend your left knee, bring your right hand forward for me. Took your right toes, elevate your right knee, and take your left arm up for a twist on that second side. Exhaling left hand can come down, pyramid pose back your hips up a bit, spaining right heel to the left and flare your left toes to the sky. Bowing into your left leg.

And then bend your left knee into a high runner's lunge, shifting your right heel up. Plant your hands, downward facing dog. On an inhalation, let's ripple forward into a long plank just like a way. Exhale yourself slowly down to the ground on an inhalation arm sweep back, lift up through the legs, feel that second tracker wrote down on an exhalation, bend your elbows, hands underneath your shoulder heads. Tuck your toes roll over the knees for me and take it right into a downward facing dock.

Left leg's gonna go high to Skype, and then he open it to the side, sink your shoulder just a bit. So you can really open that left hip, getting into that sacral region. Limiting that right shoulder up, glide into a plank. Tap your left knee to your upper left arm. So I'm wide.

Step it outside the ham and in how left turn to the sky big twist. Open your upper thoracic. Left hand comes down inside. We make our pivot. So it's like a little dance move.

Spin the toes to the right and then, oh, pop your booty over to the left and stretch your inner right thigh sinking into the hips and groins again. And how lift it up, take it over to the right with me, stretching your inner upper left thigh. And again, feel free to drop the heel if you'd like. Spend it back to the right. So it come into that lunge and then lower that left knee down and inhale my arms come up.

Sinking into the front of the pelvis so I can stretch that left hip flexor out. Taking in breath. As your hips start to go back, exhale, sweep your arms like little wings for me and find a little forward fold over that front right knee. Bender right knee in how left hand comes to the top, took the left toes, and elevate that knee as the right arm sweeps to the ceiling, to find that cone or twist. Right hand will come down.

Back your hips up or hop your left foot in and find that little pyramid pose for a moment shifting to the back of the leg, stretching open the hamstrings so it can feel more flexibility in the hip region. And your right knee in how high runners lunge, plant air hands, downward facing dog again. Inhale, ripple forward into a plank. And then from here, lower your knees. Lower your chest and chin, poke up through the booty for a moment in health. Glide your chest forward and through.

Let your arms sweep back and then levitate those legs and really reach forward and up through the crowd of the head. Bend your elbows on the exhale, place them underneath the shoulder heads, tuck your toes and this time firm the legs. So really press those thighs up to the ceiling and see if you can use that to press into a plank pose coming back into downward facing dog again. Right leg's gonna go up. Bend the knee. Open it to the side.

Feel a nice stretch through those inner upper thighs. On an inhalation glide into a plank and tap the right knee to the upper right arm. Step it wide inhale right arm goes up. Find her twist Exhaling right hand comes down inside. Pivot your butt to the right.

Spin your toes to the side and sink into those hips. And how lift your hips to get over to the left, find the flow of those inner thighs, and then pivot to the back of the neck, Lower the right knee down and how arms come up. Find your nice lunge, exhaling arms sweep back. A little bit of a hanumanasana as you stretch the leg again. Bend your left knee inhale right hand comes down.

Tuck the right toes, lift the right knee off the ground, left arm high to the sky. Left hand comes down, pyramid pose, adjusts. The legs if you need and forward fold over a strong, straight left leg with me. Inhale. Pie runners lunge. So I sink that left heel.

Stay on the right toes. Clim it up this time. Find your crescent pose and take your arms to the sky. Exhaling hands will fall back down downward facing dog. In how rearbelle forward into a plank, Gaze forward with me, lift your heart, strengthen your belly, and exhale lower halfway.

So a little chaturanga strength, inhale, press right back up. Downward facing dog as you take the hips back. Left leg goes high. Bend the knee. Turn it to the side. Open those hips. Yeah.

What are they saying? Glide into a plank, tap your left knee to your upper left arm right away. Step it wide and inhale left arm to the sky. Big twist. Exhaling hands fall inside.

You spin around into that Skandasana again. Pick up those hips with me. Let's take it to the right, getting lighter on the fingertips if you can, and then pivot towards that right leg into that little lunge again. Lowering the knee and now arms come up. Lift your chest.

On an exhale belly nice and tight with the arms. Sweep back and find that Hananasana. Bend your right knee. Take the left fingertips down. Inhale. Twist it on now.

Right hand comes down pyramid pose just as you need, but forward fold and really start to feel those legs and hips opening loosening them up, and I'm just saying. Bend your right knee. Stay on the left toes on an inhalation, climb it up into a crescent pose. Lift your chest, exhaling hands, come down to the ground, downward facing dog again. Inhale.

Like a wave ripple into that plank. Feel the strength of your belly. And then as you lower towards the earth, pause and breathe, hold it, Push yourself away back into plank and then exhale into downward facing dog. Take a smooth breath in. And together, let's let it out.

Lift your heels up high this time. So right onto those to be toes. Gaze forward towards those thumbs, bend your knees, give it a little hop up, inhale, elongate your spine as you lengthen your legs, Exhale, forward fold. Drop your head and let it go. Let's root through the feet and inhale sweep the arms all the way up to the ceiling.

Like you were splashing water on yourself. Exhale. Let the hands fold down. Let the water. Just cleanse yourself. Bend your knee zut with hasan a sweet, the arms up.

On an exhale, let the arms go back and find your tippy tippy toes as you shift some weight forward into the balls of the feet again. Hands come down. Left leg lunges all the way back, right leg high to the sky. So take it all the way up this time. Exale step it wide outside the right hand. Right?

Our mo big twist. Maybe no hands as you pivot into that Skandasana time. Ah, and how lift up through the legs and find the flow to the second side. Take it all the way to the left Keep that right knee lifted, find a crescent inhale arms come up. Excel hands come down.

Pyramid pose, stretch the back of the legs out. Bend your left knee, root your right hand, inhale left arm up the time, I want you to spiral to the pinky edge of that right foot and stack your legs into a vashi this time. So a side plank Drawing the right shoulder down towards the waist and then elevating those hips for me and pulling that top hip forward Left hand comes down, returned it into a plank, lower down halfway. It should run the string, push right back up, downward facing dog. Take a smooth breath in.

Open through the mouth. Lift your heels high for me. See your thumbs. Spend your knees. Give it a little spring on up in how lengthen the chest and legs exhaling forward fold.

Let it go. Let's sweep those arms and rise to stand. And then again, grabbing some water poured over yourself. And cleanse your body again and help bend your knee. Soot, get nice and low, sitting bones back, And then exhale shift to the tippy tippy toes and lift those heels up high again. Hands come down to the ground, inhale right leg goes back Left leg goes high.

Take it to the sky. Exhale. Tap the upper left arm and step out wide. Inhale. Left arm up. Find the twist. Think no hands as you bring it down.

You spin right into that Skandasana again. Lift up through the hips Take it over to the right. How's that feel? And then high runners lunge into a crescent pose as you spin on the left toes this time and arms go up to the eye. Exhailing hands come down.

Pure mid pose. Stretch it out. Take that nice big forward fold. Bend your right knee, root your left palm beauties, hug the shoulder back in hell. Right arm comes up, spin onto the pinky to edge, and stack your right leg, finding that Vashi stasana. So a nice strong pose to connect you back in.

As you lift your bottom left waist, Drop your tailbone to the heels and spin your right hip forward a bit. Right hand comes down into a plank you go, lower halfway, chaturanga posts, press right back up, downward facing dog. So take a moment to feel that flow. Close your eyes gaze up towards the navel and Notice the heart rate. Notice the breath and this ability to pull ourselves into this state of flow to rev up our nervous system so we can get up and go so we can really move forward in our lives.

It's gaze towards the thumbs. Open the eyes with me. Lift your heels. Bend your knees. Hop up. Inhale lengthen your chest.

Exhaling forward full drape over the legs. Let it go. Sweep the arms to the sky. As you root to rise, take those arms up overhead, and then again, just splash some water over yourselves. Bend your knees.

Get low in those legs. On an exhale, let your arms sweep back and find those tippy tippy toes. Now pull your ribs in, but take them to the thighs with me and get really low dropping your sitting bones to your heal bones. Let's open those knees to the side and then take the arms forward for me, flex the palms. Oh, yes. And pull the shoulders down like Vashi Stasana to those knees.

Lift your booty up high pull the hands back underneath your shoulder heads and then lean forward and just see, could you pick up 1 feet or both feet? Find a little flow. Into a Picasso pose, crow. Maybe this time you step it back or even hop to that chaturanga and then inhale over your feet this time. Big upward facing dog. Lift your heart.

Lift your spy. Exhaling downward facing dog. Don't attach to the pose. Again, Go with the flow. Right leg goes high. Bend the knee. Open it to the side.

Come forward with me. Tap the right knee to the operator. Sweep it to the sky. Go high point. Those were my toes, and the knee and the nose step it in between your hands. Spend your back left heel to the right this time for warrior 1 and her arms go up to the sky and sink into that front right thigh.

So I'm going for that nice stretch through that back left hip flexor here. Now from here, I want those arms to go back as you straighten your right leg. So lean back and squeeze the shoulder blades all the way to the back of the room as the chest stays open, I'm gonna pivot my toes to the left, take the arms to the sky, make a big circle overhead as I warrior 2 all the way to the left side. Flip your left palm and inhale reverse for me. Keep going with the flow right there.

And then form to the thigh, right arm up and overhead. It extended side angle as you hug the left hip in, pull the belly in, and turn your chest to the sky. Right hand's gonna come down forward of my face, bring it onto the earth, spin your right heel up, and pivot into the twist on the left side. Left hand left ankle. Boop. Grab it for me. And then from here, a little standing split, right leg up.

Excel pull the right knee towards the left, put the right foot down to the ground, and then do a little shape shift, right hand, right hip. Left heel lifts high. See if you can slide from the ground up into a tree Getting steady, finding your balance, finding this evenness to the hips as the knee points to the side. If you can lift your gaze straightforward, that would be great. Maybe take your arms up to the sky and feel into it right away.

Hugging the ribs back, squeezing the biceps in, and then really pushing that left foot into the inner right thigh to awaken, that second chakra again. Turn that left knee forward on your next in breath and pull it up into the chest and then exhale. Take it all the way to the back of the mat. Hands go down, right leg sweeps up and back into a 3 legged down dog, glide into a plank, And then lower down halfway, curling over right and left toes for an upward facing dog, downward facing dog. Left leg goes up, bend the knee.

Open that hip. Glide into a plane. Tap your left knee to your upper left arm right away. And how elongate that leg to the sky. Step forward in between your hands this time, spin that back heel flat. Warrior 1. Let's rise on up.

Reach those arms overhead. Sync into that left thigh. Feel a nice stretch through the right hip flexor, the time. Let's exhale sweep the arms back, squeeze and pinch the shoulder blades together as you straighten through the legs. So really push my heart back behind me.

And then pivot the toes to the right and help arms to the sky and circle into a warrior 2 on the right side this time. Flip your right palm. Keep going with the flow, lengthen it up and overhead, exhaling form to the thigh, Left arm extends overhead for a side angle. So hug that out or right hip in and then turn your chest up as you breathe into the front body. Left hand's gonna come down underneath the shoulder head.

Spend your left heel high. Take your right arm to sky. Find that strength again. And then right hand right ankle. Oops. Grab it for me.

Standing split, tilt into it. Left knee next to the right. Let's put the left foot down and shape shift. So left hand to the hip, stabilize that pelvis, lift your right heel, and start to slide into a tree, fastening the right foot to the inner left thigh, evening out the hips, letting the knee point to the side and then lifting the gaze right away and potentially taking our arms up overhead. Find your breath for a moment.

So planting ourselves firmly from that. 1st chakra. But then feeling the flow of the pelvis in the second. Let's take that right knee. Turn it forward for me.

Inhale hug the right leg up and into the chest, exhale lunge it all the way back. Hands come down. Left leg straight up into a 3, like a downward facing dog. Glide into a plank, lower down halfway, curl over left and right for big upward facing dog. Exhale, downward facing dog.

Take a moment to pause and breathe. Again, noticing if you're getting lost in the flow, this ability to clear your head out, and become mentally present with what you're doing. Right leg's gonna go high. Let's keep adding on. Right knee this time, tap it to the upper right arm, inhale, sweep it to the sky, extend out through the leg, And the need of the nose, step it in between your hands, spin your back heel flat, warrior 1, inhale arms come up.

Exhale straighten through the legs. Let the arms sweep back and push your shoulder blades behind you. Inhale. Pivot the feet in arms to the sky, or your 2 on the left as you splash your arms nice and wide. Flip your left palm, inhale reverse thaw your lean back like a big way, and then exhale forearm to the thigh. Right arm extends extended side angle again, hug your left hip in. Right hand's gonna come down to the ground underneath the shoulder head.

Spin your right heel up. Take your left arm to the sky. But as you pull the shoulder back, take your left toes behind your right knee and give me a little wild thing opening through the chest. Left hand will come down back into a plank low or halfway, curl over the toes for an upward facing dog, downward facing dog, inhale, left leg high, Exel left knee upper left arm. Inhale sweep it to the sky.

Exhale. Step it in between your hands. Spin your back heel flat. Find that warrior 1 as you rise up. Exhaling splash the arms back and lengthen through the legs. Inhale, turn to the side arms go high, and then exhale. Let it open to warrior 2 on the right.

Flip the right palm and like a wave, go back up and over through space. Exhale. Form to the thigh. Left are overhead, extended side angle as you settle in. Left hand comes down underneath the shoulder head.

Lift your left heel. Take your right arm up But, again, as you pull the left shoulder back, think flipping the right toes behind the left knee for your wild thing. And opening through the front of the chest and pelvis. Right hand comes down, plank, lower halfway, curl over the toes for your upward facing dog and downward facing dog. Take a moment to pause and breathe.

Feeling the heart rate, feeling the breath, and then drawing yourself back into a place of stillness. So you can notice the effects of the practice. It's gaze 4 towards the hands. Lift the heels super, duper high. Bend your knees. Hop up.

Inhale lengthen through the spine and exhale four fold. Let go. Look forward for me. Have your two blocks ready. 1 at the top and one at the back.

And then pressing through the feet would sweep the arms and rise all the way up to standing. Douse yourself with some water again. Do a little cleanse, get present, and then bend the knees with the tasana chair pose. Let those arms sweep back, find the tip, tip toes, shift some weight forward for me, and drop your ribs towards the thighs. Open those knees nice and wide, and then let your arms sweep forward past your feet this time.

Wow. Find a little Novasana. Oh, okay. So big toe mound, inner ankle, inner knee, squeeze up through the belly, and lift your chest up with me. And then dropping the toes back down, keep the heels up nice and high, hands go back, reverse table top, shoot those knees forward, and really elevate those hips up as high as you can. Walk your hands towards your heels one more time stretching through the front of those thighs. Oh, feel into that. Ugh. Can get so tight in those quadriceps and then sink your sitting bones to the heels and say, whew, if you can find that balance again.

Second shock revives. Hands go down, left leg line just back. Right leg straight up. Step it forward in between your hands. Spend your back heel flat warrior 1 on an exhale arm sweep back straight into the legs.

Turn it to the side. Arms go up high and then splash them in to a warrior 2 on the left. Flip the palm and he'll reverse it straight in that left leg with me, come up and over into a triangle pose. So left hand to the shin or potentially that block if you'd like to use it. Let that left knee turn to the left.

Get that stretch through the inner thigh, and then take your right arm, pie. And find that opening through the arms again. And how right arm sweeps up overhead with me. Here's where we're gonna go. We're gonna get funky with this. So bend your left knee, bring your right hand down, spin your right heel high, move the block to the front of the mat, flip those left toes, and find your wild thing again.

However, look towards that block. Okay. Take the left foot. Step it back to where it was and twist yourself into Artich Androsano. It's a little halfmoon action.

Now from here, left hip stays firm. Right leg, take it all the way to the right. Beep, beep, get the foot in line with the knee and hip, and then lower your right foot all the way down to the left. Beautiful. Right. Big toe. Hook it up for me. Hook it when you're ready.

Take your left hand to the hip, gaze forward, root your left heel, and rise up to standing in Padangoushtasana. Open it to the side. Left arm goes out. Even out those hips and find that balance for me. See if you can lift up through the spine, opening the collar bones, keeping the chest broad and wide.

And then stay. Release your right big toe. What? And then lower it. Nice and slow. Inhaled Katasana.

Excel arm sweep back, lift your heels, get low, and sink down through those sitting bones. Let your city moves roll back. Find in Navasana. Oh, hold it for a moment. Get steady. Squeeze into the belly. You're gonna need it in a moment.

Toes come down, hands go back. Come into the reverse tabletop, stretching through the front line again. Walk your hands towards the heels. Take those knees forward for me. There's that quad stretch and then play. Can you find the balance right away?

Hands go down, right, light goes back left. Last side left like I. Tap it up her left arm. And he'll sweep it to the sky. Step it in between your hands, spin the back heel, warrior 1.

Come on up. Exhale straight into the leg with the arms sweep back. Pivot to the side. Arms come up nice and high. Warrior 2 to the right.

Flip the right palm in hell reverse for me, straighten that right leg, and then come up and over with those ribs like a wave, into your triangle. So block if you'd like to use it or not, but make sure that needs turning out to the right. Left arm goes high. Take a moment. Really reach the arms away from one another today.

Pull the ribs in and breathe into the inner thighs. Now let's take that left arm sweep it up an overhead, find that reach. Look down. Repender right knee. Bring the left hand down. Move the block 4.

You're gonna grab it in a moment and then flip it into your wild thing. So I'm really pressing through that left hand to lift up through the pelvis and belly. Right foot, step it right back to the top of the mat. Grab that block as you make your way into half moon, Arda Chandraasena. Opening the limbs fly. I'm wide. And then breathe as you find the ability to stay in the flow.

Now left leg, that's the top one, is gonna come forward. So I start to take it out to the side. Okay. How's that feel? You've gotta really squeeze in through that inner right hip and leg. And then lowering it down super slow next to the right, we're gonna hook up the left big toe. Right hand to the hip.

I want you to follow that left leg forward and up to come to standing again. Even up the hips. Take it out to the side. Take the right arm to the side and find that balance. So being an a state of flow even when things feel unsteady, we have to get grounded again, rooted in ourselves, and confident.

And then we'll release that left big toe. See if you can hold it for a moment and then lower it down. Super slow. Bend your knee suit, catasana. Beautiful. XL. Lift your heels up high, sweep those arms back.

Drop your sitting bones down to the heels. And this time, find your Nevasana holding for a moment, but only to lower onto our back for some back bends. And then bend the knees, toes go down, hands go back, ripple up into that reverse tabletop. However, drop your sitting bones this time, sink your heels to the ground, sweep your arms to the sky and let's lower down onto the ground, walking the feet in, setting up, So bridge pose or full wheel, whatever back end of your choice you want today, I'm gonna take my arms up to the sky. Let my ribs poke out a bit, root down through my feet, and then bend the elbows, and flip those hands next to my shoulder heads.

Inhale to the crown of the head, bringing the fingers forward towards the shoulder heads, and then squeeze the outer arms in as you press up into a full wheel. Or again, go with the bridge if you'd like to interlace the hands underneath your low back today and lift up through the hips. Now wherever you go, see if you can be in the flow of it for a moment. So finding a little more space by pressing through the hands, pressing through the feet, lifting the front of the pelvis, opening the heart center with me, maybe letting the head go through the arms. And then lower back down onto the back of the head, elbows in and roll down from the upper spine through the tailbone.

Let's bring one hand to the heart. One hand to the belly. Take your feet nice and wide. Drop your knees in. Notice right away.

The heart, the breath, how it all sped up, allowing your nervous system to kick in. This is good stuff. This is good stress for the body. And then windshield wiper the legs side to side. So there's bad stress, right, chronic stress, which takes a toll on us mentally, physically, energetically. And then there is the good stress of practicing a fluid flow where we just get lost in the movement, become totally immersed and change our psychology.

Then from here, I want you to walk the feet all the way together for me. Let's reach her own, grab the knees, pull them in to the belly, make little circles from right to left on the low back. Shifting now down into a place where the parasympathetic system can kick in where we can relax. And then hope the big toes for a happy baby pose dropping the knees towards the outer armpits and finding a little sway side to side. Opening those inner thighs like we did in that skandasana, getting into those first and second check revives.

Maybe stake the legs out into a big wide slit pulling the toes down and feeling that out. And then hug the knees back in. And take a twist. Knees over to the right, left arm to the side. Then inhale back to center and switch, knees over to the left, right arm out, unwinding the spine, So we can sink into a Shavasana, inhale back to center with me, reach around, grab the shins, lift your forehead the knees.

Give yourself a squeeze. Let's let it go. Getting comfortable in a shavasana. Taking up as much space as you'd like today, lengthening through the back of the shoulder blades, closing the eyes, flipping the palms to the sky so that as you lay in this earth element, you can also feel like you're floating. Like, you're being held by the rip tide of life, dragging you in to new journeys, new opportunities, and certainly some adventures ahead.

So to that state of flow, where we release this need to control and allow ourselves to be in this place of equanimity Take a smooth breath in and let it out. Sinking into the self. On an inhale deep in your breath. And sweep your arms like a wave overhead, feeling the length you made from your personal movement. Mend your knees, put your feet down, lengthen your tailbone out, and let's reach around and grab the knees to hug yourself Big squeeze.

Back up to a seat. Keeping the eyes nice and close. Let's sit in a comfortable seat for a moment. We bring the hands to the heart bowing into the body into this right to feel ourselves from the inside out. To connect to our emotional state.

And by shifting our emotions into a positive state, we can walk forward into our lives with strength. Take a smooth breath in. Open through the mouth. Let it out. Empower to your glorious self.



1 person likes this.
What a special practice. I loved the journey and your continued messaging of going with the flow. 
Emilie P
Thank you Angel! I'm so glad you enjoyed it. 
Catherine A
Hi Emilie, really enjoying these classes. This is my second time to do this class and I found I managed a much more fluid practice than previously. Great sequencing and pacing.......! Regards, Catherine
Catherine R
Fun practice, although a bit hard to follow at times.  This is also described as a beginner practice, and I think intermediate would be a better category. 
Kristin P
1 person likes this.
I agree with Catherine's comment.  I've been doing yoga for a long time and this was a challenging class. Although I enjoyed it, my back is sore after.  I think this should be considered an intermediate class.
Rosie B
What a fun practice! But whoever labelled it as "beginner" is crazy! 
Charlotte M
I love this  challenge so much but I'm not sure I'd call it Beginners level 😁😂😁
Lise G
1 person likes this.
really enjoyed this practice, lovely deep stretches, good flow, and nicely challenging in the best ways
Elizabeth H
1 person likes this.
I have done three of the challenge classes. I have enjoyed each one in a different way. They are challenging, but I feel so accomplished and invigorated when I finish each practice. My goal is to complete the whole challenge series. Thank you for these, Emilie!
Lina S
Nice class!
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