Yoga for Depression: Quick Morning Yoga Workout<br>Denise Antonini

Yoga for Depression: Quick Morning Yoga Workout
Denise Antonini

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2 people like this.
if you only have ten minutes to get your body in action, this is the video! it's dynamic and really hits the spot if you really don't have the time for a longer practice but do want to do something to get going in the day in the right frame of mind.
Denise Antonini
So great to hear this practice helps you get your day going Emfortee! Thank you for the feedback.
In gratitude,
Tesa Urbonaite Dunn
Great quickie! Thank you:)
Denise Antonini
You're absolutely welcome Tesa! Anytime you can fit in a few minutes to reset and connect makes a difference. Happy to hear it worked for you.
In gratitude,
Simon ?
2 people like this.
Love these short and sweet flows. Thank you for looking after us Denise Antonini.
Denise Antonini
It’s an honor Simon Be well, Denise
thanks for the energizing wakeup!
Denise Antonini
You are ever so welcome Shawnee!
Laura M
1 person likes this.
Excellent!! 10 min videos usually are not enough, but this was so good! Thank you!!
Denise Antonini
So happy it worked for you Laura ! I know sometimes we don’t have the luxury of an hour or more for practice. Every bit helps. See you on the mat soon!
1-10 of 17

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