60 Minute Yoga Flows: Centered Flow<br>Sarah Beston

60 Minute Yoga Flows: Centered Flow
Sarah Beston

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David G-
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Sarah: thank you for another wonderful flow. I applied this practice while driving just a few moments ago. Your cue to relax any gripping in the back body in bridge really sunk in…  So, during highway driving (horrible highways!) I focused on relaxing areas of tension in the body. My mind was relaxed and focusing on the breath wouldn’t have worked as well. I watched your wheel and arm balance. Such clear instructions. This practice really helps clear out my body from morning group ride. Thanks!!!
Sarah Beston
1 person likes this.
I love that you shared how yoga can absolutely translate to other areas of our daily lives, like sitting in traffic or driving, David. Thank you for sharing such meaningful and descriptive experiences of your practice. It's always a pleasure to read!
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