45 Minute Yoga Flows: Surrender<br>Sarah Beston

45 Minute Yoga Flows: Surrender
Sarah Beston

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Sarah Beston
Thanks so much for sharing the link, David G-! I will definitely give this a listen. I love Yoga Nidra.
Sarah Beston
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Thanks for sharing your experience, Sandra Židan! The linking of breath with movement has been my way inward for sure.
Elizabeth M
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Perfect class for a dark, stormy, full moon evening in Southern California! Thank you Sarah for settling my vata energy and relaxing my body and mind 🙏🏼
Sarah Beston
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Elizabeth M, I love that description and know just what night you are speaking of. I loved that weather and the full moon certainly had my vata energy swirling. Sending love from Ojai.
Lina S
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Nice flowing class. I appreciate the moves lead to one another in a seamless way.
Sarah Beston
Thank you for sharing, Lina S! I am happy to be practicing with you here. Warmest holiday wishes, Sarah
Rachel S
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Lovely! I enjoyed that very much!
Sarah Beston
So happy to practice with you, Rachel S! Wishing you a beautiful week!
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