Yin Yoga: Clear and Soft Heart<br>Kira Sloane

Yin Yoga: Clear and Soft Heart
Kira Sloane

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Devina S
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Thank you so much, Kira!  This is my favourite from you so far.  
Kira Sloane
Hi  Devina S, wonderful to hear. Xok
Lily A
1 person likes this.
The hips and the heart! My jam! Thanks as always, Kira!
Peter Ferber
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Three things I love about Kira Sloan's practice: 1) the use of feminine pronouns.  I feel myself instinctively kinder and softer with my body, regarding lung, limb, and digits as young, impressionable, and innocent girls.  The inward change is palpable.  2) Kira's lush menu options.  Some people put butter on their toast; some jam, some Cinnamon, some ghee, and some plain.  As server, Kira recognizes that it's not her job to tell customers what they like and how they should order.  Instead, she grsnts us permission to ask ourselves those questions and answer them for ourselves.  3) what I call "Taking it off the mat."  Kira invites us to find solace in our mat selves when facing life's burdens.  ⚘
Kira Sloane
Peter Ferber, aww Peter, thanks for the love. - K
David G-
Thank you! Another relaxing and reinvigorating yin practice. Thanks for sharing your heart with us, Kira. 
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