Too Tight to Stretch: Feel Better Fast<br>Alana Mitnick

Too Tight to Stretch: Feel Better Fast
Alana Mitnick

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Yasmin V
I can't see any of videos
Sarah Beston
Hi Yasmin, Sorry to hear about your technical difficulties. I will follow-up with an email to see if we can troubleshoot. Thanks.
Yasmin V
Sorry it was my phone with thee problem, I love this video gave lots of energy. Thanks :)
Alana Mitnick
Hi Yasmin, I am so delighted to be practicing together. Thank you for being here! Best wishes, Alana
Marisa W
This was a great sequence for me today. I have head cold and couldn't handle anything too active. Even good morning yoga would be too much for me today! This perfectly stretched out my body, gently with a little heat. Thanks Alana!
Alana Mitnick
Hi Marisa, I am so glad to hear that this practice worked for you. I hope you are feeling better. Please keep me post. :) Best wishes, Alana
Catherine R
Great practice for this dark winter morning....after hitting the snooze button several times I was still able to make time for this and I DO feel better!
Alana Mitnick
Hi Catherine, I'm so happy to hear that you enjoyed this practice and feel better. It's amazing how every bit of yoga makes a difference. :) Wishing you a wonderful holiday season and new year- as we move from the darkness into the light. ~ Alana
Gail Thompson
This lovely gentle class was just right as I was home recovering from a cold. Alana is a lovely teacher.
Alana Mitnick
Hi Gail, I hope you are feeling better. I am so happy you are here on Yoga Anytime and to know that we can practicing together. Wishing you well, Alana
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