Good Morning Yoga: Good Morning Spine<br>Alana Mitnick

Good Morning Yoga: Good Morning Spine
Alana Mitnick

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Christine L
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Hi Alana,
What a great practice this morning! My upper body feels open and alive, and I am ready to lead with my heart today. Thank you so much for your clear instructions and your warm, engaging manner. I really appreciate your presence and your style of teaching :)
Alana Mitnick
HI Christine, I am so delighted to hear from you. Wow, what a beautiful discovery! I feel so grateful to get to share what I love and believe in...thank you for being here! Please keep me posted on your yoga journey. Namaste, Alana
Deana G.
Wow! I have major spine issues so naturally had to join you for this one. Camel has always been one move is need to skip -- or do a split/half variation. It always saddened me a bit as it looks amazing. Well, Alana, you did it. You eased me, slowly but surely into a full Camel (well, with blocks). Twice. It felt amaaaaazing. I'm in awe. Namaste, Deana
Deana G.
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I've been on YogaAnytime every single morning. This practice continues to be my all-time favorite! Thanks Alana!
Alana Mitnick
Hi Deana, You are inspiration! I admire your dedication to daily practice and learning. Thank YOU for sharing!
Frederic M
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Thanks Alana, great practice to open up the front body in updog or Ustrasana. As you say, it is the journey more than the destination that matters!
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Working with blocks in this way is awesome. I love this practice, thank you. :)
Alana Mitnick
Hi Lori! Yes, I love working with blocks in this way to find support, extension, and opening. So good. xoA
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I really enjoyed using the blocks for plank, upward and downward-facing dogs. It gave a sense of spaciousness and of strength. Thank you Alana!
Alana Mitnick
Good morning Ali! Yes... blocks are my favorite for allowing support, space, and length in those postures... especially upward facing dog. So happy you found the practice useful and felt a sense of spaciousness and strength. Awesome work! xoA
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