The Ashtanga Practice: Primary Series: Short Form<br>Maria Villella

The Ashtanga Practice: Primary Series: Short Form
Maria Villella

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Luis Carlos B
Thank you so much for this lesson! I have not felt this good in a very long time, really a thank you from the heart
Hiram L
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Thanks! Loved it!
Galiya T
Thank you, Maria for very mindful practice for body and soul. I feel beautiful lightness in body and release of tension in mind. Very beautiful practice. Appreciate from the bottom of my heart. 
Kate M
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I needed a little Ashtanga fix tonight and came to the right place! Your gently encouraging voice and spacious pacing make it all flow so sweetly! : )
Patti D
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Thankyou Maria! Loved the breath count with absence of unnecessary words!
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This practice is great for beginners or for someone that wants to practice at slower pace and go more in detail on the asanas and get tips on variations. Thank you :)
Maria Villella
Patricia your welcome!  🙏
Amy C
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A bit stunned. I've taken two ashtanga classes this week after over 10 years away from it. The familiar routine and measured breathing feels surprisingly grounding during this chaotic time of COVID. (This week marks one year at home.) Thanks.
Maria Villella
Amy C I hear you!  I don’t know what I do without the safe space and familiarity on my yoga mat.  It always helps walk me back home. ❤️🙏
Amy C
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Maria Villella I really loved your ashtanga class but there are so few, and I have no uterus or kids. Wondering if I'd benefit from your hormonal classes, or if they're too focused on pregnancy, motherhood, and menstruation? Thanks!
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