30 Day Yoga Challenge: Day 6: Balancing Warrior<br>Robert Sidoti

30 Day Yoga Challenge: Day 6: Balancing Warrior
Robert Sidoti

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Maria Elena D
I was sidelined with a cold for a few days. :( feeling better and wanted to get back to the practice as to not loose momentum, but the instrument is in healing mode and the practice was rough.... does a little yoga help with healing the cold virus or is rest the better choice?
Kira Sloane
Maria, most likely Robert will have something to say about this. When I am beginning a sickness, I find that turning inward is the best choice, but there is a point where one can take advantage of all the "healing juju" to warm the body and "blow it out." Listen to your inner knowing. xok
Robert Sidoti
Sam ... "Your life comes down to decisions, and if you change your decisions, you'll change everything!" :)
Robert Sidoti
Maria, I agree with Kira, turning inward as she says is so nice! I recently had the flu/cold for about a week. What felt best for me was to completely surrender to rest, sleep, warm liquids, light foods and some good shows:) It's difficult for me to completely let go of all responsibilities and to do's, but encouraged myself to do just that! Slowly around midweek, I began to roll out the mat and begin to move gently into a practice, slowly building day by day back into my regular movement regime. I'd say it's best to really listen and pay attention to your body, as I'm sure you do, the body has all the answers:)
Jenn T
2 people like this.
Hi Robert! I LOVE practicing w you! I think you are a terrific teacher. I keep having to restart my challenge. Now I am in VAIL for the week and want to be doing more restorative yoga. So... Going to pick a new start date... Again! Hope that is ok!
Carolyn S
2 people like this.
Really enjoy your tidbits of upbeat wisdom along with your yoga instructions... Thanks for being you..:)
Robert Sidoti
Carolyn! It's a pleasure having you with us! Sounds like you're enjoying the challenge. Thanks for 'being you' and committing to this for YOU!
Robert Sidoti
Jenn, you can start and restart all you want I believe:) Life and travel and what not can get in the way and it sounds like you know what your body needs with the skiing you're doing!
I was away for a bit unable to connect with this comment, hope you get it and are back at it!
iOS Cust923183
Hi Robert. Your words of wisdom always really resonate with me and this challenge is really helping me stay strong and focused. Thank you.
Robert Sidoti
Hi iOS Cust923183 ! Welcome to the challenge!! How is it going for you so far?! Strong and focused are 2 benefits worth working for:)) Robert
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