30 Day Yoga Challenge: Day 23: Hip Hip Hooray<br>Robert Sidoti

30 Day Yoga Challenge: Day 23: Hip Hip Hooray
Robert Sidoti

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Michelle F
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loved it - so funny when you said find your safe "whoa" point cos we´re staying for 5 long extended breaths, I settled in and started breathing long and deep - after 15 of my breaths i started to think - wow this robert guy wasnt joking about long - his breath is awesome - i glanced up at the screen and the video was stuck buffering - really made me smile "big mind" obviously wanted me to hold it there! what a great practise - thank you! have a beautiful day loveandpeacexxx
Robert Sidoti
Hahahaha, that is so funny Michelle ! Thanks for sharing this experience and for being with us! Day 23, you must be around day 25-26 by now?? How do you feel??
Michelle F
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enthusiastic! and grateful - thank you! i always have a wee smile when you say "good job" cos it does feel like a good job well done!
Robert Sidoti
Good to hear Michelle! Made me smile reading your comment:))
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Hi Robert, love to see how we might flow through the beginning to the end in an hour and a half? Waddaya think?
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PS: so I so felt my heart welling up with appreciation and gratitude for you Robert! Thank you for being real and authentic.
Robert Sidoti
Hi inNourish :)) Big hug and gratitude to YOU, thank you so much for being here!!
And also... YES! I think I'd be so great to offer this challenge all wrapped up in a 90 minute class, I'll put the feelers out to the awesome people that make those decisions, who knows?! I'm sure a lot of others who did the challenge would enjoy! ✌️💚 And respect!
Glenford N
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Lovely soothing practice. Hips wide open and relaxed. First time Frog - let's do it again. Flowed on the mat , now I'll flow into my day. Namaste.
Robert Sidoti
Open up them hips Glenford ... who knows what you’ll unpack, said to hold some ‘stuff’ in there 🤷🏼‍♂️🙏🏽
When one finds the ‘right’ position in Frog, it can feel so so good! Have a great day or eve!
Ch Marie d’I
I now know your favorite tortures... will do frog better after some more warm up. 20’ seem so short after those daily practices. Maybe I can double them when I have more energy to spend. Thank you 🙏
11-20 of 25

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