Practice with Mark Robberds: Surya Namaskar Variations<br>Mark Robberds

Practice with Mark Robberds: Surya Namaskar Variations
Mark Robberds

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Gabriel W
1 person likes this.
Really enjoyed this practice thank you.
Mark Robberds
Thanks Gabriel that's great to hear 🙏
Kate M
1 person likes this.
Strong sequence! Following along, I realize how, in my daily practice, I shy away from long holds, from pushing my endurance a little outside my comfort zone. But the calm thread of your voice lead me to navigate deeper waters. Good stuff. Thank you!
Mark Robberds
Thanks Kate for your feedback and I'm happy to hear you benefited from it. Happy practicing. 🙏
Mark Robberds
Thanks Kate for your feedback and I'm happy to hear you benefited from it. Happy practicing. 🙏
Anna M
1 person likes this.
It felt like 20 minutes! Your instructions are so clear and I really felt like it opened up my body, while I don't usually feel that way in sun salutaions. SO awesome. Thank you!
Mark Robberds
Thanks Anna im glad you enjoyed it. Happy practicing.
Eric K
2 people like this.
Perfect pace. Yoga!!!!
Mark Robberds
Thanks Eric 🙏 I'm glad you enjoyed it.
This was a beautiful class ! Thank you
1-10 of 18

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