Feeling Alright: 30-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 13: Centered and Strong<br>Robert Sidoti

Feeling Alright: 30-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 13: Centered and Strong
Robert Sidoti

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Ch Marie d’I
That was my favorite one, after a stressful day, decided to show up at 11pm, and enjoyed the flow !!!!! Thank you
Robert Sidoti
11pm must have been a nice and quiet time to practice Ch Marie d’I - happy I was there with you practicing! Have a great day! 
Aurora del Villar
Enjoying a lot this challenge. Took me like 30 days to arrive to day 13, but Im trying to be patient with myself. Thanks Robert and saludos desde Mexico! :) 
Samantha P
1 person likes this.
Loved the core work! I have abdominal separation from my pregnancies and this was finally a core sequence I could do with minimal modification. Thank you!
Maria Gabriela G
Thank you, Robert. I feel like you are in the room with me. You are helping me make my life better.
Robert Sidoti
I'm right there with you Maria Gabriela G - I know the work you're doing, thanks for sharing how you feel here, I appreciate you!! 
Robert Sidoti
hey there Samantha P !! Apologies for missing your comment here. I'm so happy the core work felt good for you!! How've you been?! 
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