The Sweet Heart Challenge: Day 10: Acceptance<br>Wade Gotwals

The Sweet Heart Challenge: Day 10: Acceptance
Wade Gotwals

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Jenny S
A perfect ending to this challenge ❤️ Love the supine hip stretches and twists...feeling so good right now! My heart thanks you for this 😍🙏🏻✨
Wow! First off congrats on powering through the challenge so quickly! This will definitely inspire others to keep moving forward. My heart thanks you for sharing!
Elissa P
Thank you Wade, for reminding all who watch this series of the importance of navigating through life from the heart. So easy to forget in these times. So.... grateful that you are finding your way, and we are finding our way.
Tracy S
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Thank you Wade! I appreciate all the time and thought you put into this 10 day challenge. Om Shanti! Oh Happy Day!!!!
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Elissa Ahhhh you finished! Thanks for your inspiring posts and words along the way! yes, its so easy to forget, even these posts are reminding me to remind myself to go back to that space...I think it needs to be daily ritual! thanks for journeying along with your open heart!
Tracy thank you for keeping the great energy up and alive and contributing your energy to this, so that this feels like a deeper connection even though we arent hanging in person! Share the love!
Cindy P
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Thank you so much for this practice. I've enjoyed the journey immensely and look forward to more practices from you!
Hi Cindy thanks for being with us on the challenge and for your dedication to it!! If you have something on your wish list for future challenges let me know so we can try and include when we shoot next!
Tere E
Thank you Wade for this challenge, I enjoyed it very much! It took me a little longer than 10 days, but I did it! My heart is happy and grateful
hi Tere thank you so much for joining and going for it! Im glad you felt what I felt it and hope you share the good energy with the people around you!!
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