Yogis Among Us: Prince: What's in a Name?<br>Annie Moyer

Yogis Among Us: Prince: What's in a Name?
Annie Moyer

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Lydia Zamorano
Annie Moyer
1 person likes this.
Really enjoyed this practice looking forward to the next one. Thought about binge practicing lol but I think I will stretch then out to enjoy them one day at a time.
Annie Moyer
Love this, Sam!! I hope you're continuing to enjoy these stories :)
Tesa Urbonaite Dunn
Messages from the universe everywhere... A month ago I went to a shelter to look at a 2.5 yr old female dog. Instead, I was drawn to a 5 month old puppy's energy and now he is part of the family! We named him "Prince" after the artist because of his markings of eye liner, and, a goatee. He was not a breed, sex, age, or size, I was looking for, but, there was something that could not/cannot be "labeled" about him, that made me strongly believe, he needed to be in my family's lives... And, today, I discover your enlightening practice for the first time!!! Thank you!
Annie Moyer
Tess!!! This is so wonderful....and so meant to be. My "Prince," the shepherd/hound mix, came home with us from the shelter as a tiny pup. We intended to foster for two weeks, and two days later I called to say we would be keeping him forever.
Tesa Urbonaite Dunn
Oh my goodness, he is adorable!! Here is our new "Prince."
Tesa Urbonaite Dunn
This is our "foster" Toby who is now a permanent member of the Dunn Household;) No more fostering for the Dunns:D Love my canine yogis!!!
Annie Moyer
1 person likes this.
ohhhh those darlings!!! i think our princes could be related. xoxo
Els C
I like this concept, very creative and caring, thanks
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