Living the Yamas and Niyamas: Asteya (Non-Stealing)<br>Robert Sidoti

Living the Yamas and Niyamas: Asteya (Non-Stealing)
Robert Sidoti

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Robert Sidoti
I love your comment Martha ! With so many options out there on the web and in life, it's nice to know you found this to be time well spent! Hope to see you again and have a beautiful day! Happy Easter :) 
Claire C
3 people like this.
Hi Robert. I am really enjoying your way of teaching. You have a calm and light demeanour. I enjoy the element of humour you add to your classes here and there. I have been a practitioner for 20 years now and a year ago completed my teacher training. The yoga journey for me is constant studying and reflection - on and off the mat. This course is wonderful inspiration for my self practice and teaching. With much gratitude. Claire
Robert Sidoti
Claire !! Congratulations on completing your YTT, a nice accomplishment for sure! 
I’m grateful for your connection to my approach and mostly happy that you can apply tools from the course to your own practice and to share in your teachings and offerings 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 
Please feel free to connect if you ever have a question about this course or other practices - have a beautiful day! 
Jayme B
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What a great practice! Both energizing and relaxing. I will take the non-stealing mindset with me to allow myself positive and relaxing moments throughout the day. Thanks, Robert
Fabian H
1 person likes this.
love this practice!
Robert Sidoti
Awesome Fabian  - so happy you enjoyed and are here! 
Lou M
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Discovering this serie, so perfect after yesterday’s hips "torture", kidding, intense stretch , so thank you again .
Fabian H
1 person likes this.
I love living the yamas and niyamas!  This is my 4th time practicing this series.
Robert Sidoti
Welcome Lou - so happy you've discovered this series, I think there's a lot of value in each class, lmk how it goes for you!! 
Robert Sidoti
Awesome to hear Fabian !!! I love reading and receiving your comments, always so positive! This is your 4th time doing this whole series?? I'd love to hear how it's feeling 'off the mat' and in life for you :)) 
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