“WOW” is right! This one really hit the spot(s)! I’m just so grateful to Yoga Anytime for these constant gifts...and thank you, Lydia, you really know your craft 🙏🏻❤️
Love the hip stretches, especially with the ball and dowel. Still having issues with the video stopping, but got through the entire session. These are wonderful practices🏵🌾🌸
Really enjoyed working with the ball on my glutes and experiencing the sweet spot. Wow. I could feel everything. First time doing a cross legged downward dog. How inventive. You can teach an old dog new tricks. Thanks Lydia. Namaste.
Just popping in to say thank you. I've neglected practice (and me) for a while and have been training hard for a backpacking trip. I love, love, love the new tools and extra little tweaks I can add to my stretching toolkit and have enjoyed the videos so far.
Hi Lydia - am loving this challenge! It’s very timely as I’ve just started hill training (in the sleet and rain) after 2 years away from running. So nice to come in from the cold and do these practices! I just completed this session straight after a run and it really helped a lot. My right hip often causes me problems so the ball is my new friend. Cross legged dog - who knew? Thanks so much, Cat