Yoga Nidra: Gentle Asana for Yoga Nidra<br>Kristin Leal

Yoga Nidra: Gentle Asana for Yoga Nidra
Kristin Leal

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Martha K
3 people like this.
That was beautifully calming. I await the Nidra practices with joyful anticipation.
Kristin Leal
Martha Wonderful to hear! Stay close and let me know how the Yoga Nidra practices go for you! 
Diane A
1 person likes this.
Lovely way to segue into yoga nidra... thank you! 
Kristin Leal
Thank you for practicing with me Diane ! Hope you enjoy the Nidra practices too:)
Kate M
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A beautifully calming and gently restorative practice. mmmmmmmm
Kristin Leal
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Kate So happy you enjoyed the class! Thank you for practicing with me:)
Kate M
1 person likes this.
Revisiting the sweetness of this practice on Christmas night : ) Christmas blessings, Kristin!
Kristin Leal
1 person likes this.
Blessings to you Kate !
Sandra Židan
Great practice! Thanks!
Kristin Leal
1 person likes this.
Thanks for being here Sandra !
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