Align with Freedom: 30-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 4: Strength 4<br>Nathan Briner

Align with Freedom: 30-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 4: Strength 4
Nathan Briner

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Nathan Briner
Patricia , which leg are your referring to?
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Hi Nathan Briner! I think Patricia is referring to the front bent leg. What would you suggest for those of us who feel sharpness or knee pain when trying to bring the front shin parallel to the top of the mat?
Nathan Briner
Ashley-Marie OlgadoPatricia That’s what I was thinking. One thing I ask you to consider is that your hips may not be “tight”. The difficulty you’re experiencing may be an expression of your unique hip structure. 
That said, knee issue is likely coming from the limitation at the hip joint. I have 3 recommendations:
1) use a bolster, blanket, or block under your front leg hip to elevate the hip joint. This will give better clearance for the knee to fold. 
2) tuck the front leg foot backward toward the body to relieve the torque on the knee joint. 
3) sometimes moving the front leg knee laterally away from the midline allows for easier rotation at the hip. 
Try those and get back to me with any questions. 
Carolyn M
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Nathan, I am so glad I found this challenge.  It is really challenging, I am really sore, and I obviously really need it!  I appreciate the "inner lift" prompt.
Nathan Briner
Carolyn good to have you here!
Kelly B
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I’ve had a not-of-my-choice 4 month hiatus from yoga and your teaching in this challenge is a wonderful welcome back into my practice, my body, and my mind. Thank you 🙏🏽
Megan M
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Nathan I very much enjoyed the way that you taught Navasana. Chaturanga groan in the middle but I need to do this daily. Groans again. In Pigeon I kept myself upright and the front leg at a right angle by propping myself up on a bolster almost like Ardha Hanumanasana which worked well. I’m enjoying the sequence and the strength it is creating.
Tracy S
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Nathan Briner Great practice today! I am enjoying the challenge! Namaste!
Nathan Briner
Kelly, great to have you here and welcome back to the practice. If you need any help with poses or modifications please let me know :) 
Nathan Briner
Megan I like the modifications! And yeah, chaturanga.... always a challenge pose :) Stick with it. You’ll feel your power emerging!
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