Align with Freedom: 30-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 21: Flexibility 3<br>Nathan Briner

Align with Freedom: 30-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 21: Flexibility 3
Nathan Briner

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Jenny S
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I LOVED the wide legged twisting with the strap. This technique really helped to alleviate the chronic low-grade pain I carry in my lower right sacral area....aaaah. Also, the savasana was indeed quieting 😴
M Angela C
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Thoroughly enjoying the flexibility phase of the challenge.  Today I felt more length and space  in my torso after the practice! The cue about the hamstrings supporting the lift in goddess pose allowed me to experience more ease in the pose.  The idea of moving away  from the center in savasana allowed me to feel as though I had melted into the mat which for me allowed for the quiet to emerge...I could have remained there  for a very long time! Thank you!
Nathan Briner
Jenny that’s great to hear about your back! 
Nathan Briner
M Angela, that hamstring concept works in warrior 1&3, triangle, side angle and others. Try it out and see what you think. 

Sally S
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Continuing to enjoy the practice and your guidance.
Joan J
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I enjoy these flexibility sessions, I'm trying to catch up.  Love using the blocks to get more stretch when sitting (really helps with my tight hip structure)  Also enjoyed using the strap for the side bends.  Lovely session🌸🌾
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I really got that cue in trikonasana where you press the outer foot to lift the groin. Also lifting the hamstrings in goddess pose. I paused the video to hold the janu sirsasana linger because it was so delicious. And the bridge was effortless, even after removing the block. Interestingly, I found it easier to sense my right side melting away to the side in savasana, compared to my left. I’ll try to give my left side a little more love and attention!
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Is there any chance at all that there might be a future follow-on series that might have longer classes? An hour of this would be so amazing!
Kate M
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Really appreciated your approach to Parivritta Janusirsasana. I added a block at the same height as the one I was sitting on, under the straight-leg thigh. This prevented hyper-extension of the straight-leg knee. Tried some variations with the belt too... the possibilities are endless! Great session!
Nathan Briner
Ali I will talk to the people 👍
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