Align with Freedom: 30-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 29: Integration 5<br>Nathan Briner

Align with Freedom: 30-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 29: Integration 5
Nathan Briner

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Jenny S
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A strong and calming practice both mentally and physically. I especially enjoyed baddha konasana with the strap. This bought a nice sense of relief to my sacrum and lower back 🙌
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Hi Nathan, yesterday I tried an iyengar class because the studio closest to where I live is an iyengar studio. It was like going back in time, with a teacher who knows all barking instructions and corrections at us. It made me so appreciate the style of your teaching, and helped me to identify that the strict iyengar style no longer works for me. I have so enjoyed exploring my own body, sensing adjustments I might make and feeling the benefit. I will take this forward with me in my personal practice. I hope at some point to take a teaching course, and I now have a clear vision of what style of teacher I would like to be. I love the phrase “let’s grow together”. Thank you.
Kate M
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The focus on balancing front and back body was transformational, Nathan. Brilliant. Thank you for your encouraging and gentle guidance.
Nathan Briner
Ali, that is very kind to hear. I agree with your experience. I never had the opportunity to take a class from Mr Iyengar. He may have had clear reason to be strict with an individual(s). I’ll never know. But I have found the emulation of that behavior by other teachers to be unnecessary. There is so much to learn and understand about the practice of yoga. I feel kindness and compassion can only help that endeavor.  
Nathan Briner
Kate, anything you could put into words that grabbed your attention with the balancing of the front and back body?
Kate M
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I'll try... I also used this body focus when practicing my tai chi set and I found it similarly helpful. I think that usually I would tend to focus on EITHER the front body (for example, opening the upper chest) OR the back body (for example. dropping the tailbone) - but to consider them SIMULTANEOUSLY creates something quite different. Balance. I remember that Richard Freeman used to talk about letting the tailbone move toward the pubic bone while the pubic bone moved toward the tailbone. Finding that dynamic balance. The balance of opposite tendencies. Yoga
Nathan Briner
Kate, that’s perfect! Yes, something magical happens within balance. Using words never seems to capture it but, clarity, stillness, presence, awareness...capture the mind and hold it quiet. Then we have an opportunity to marinate in that space. Aaaaah. 
Cassandra B
From the beginning to the end I felt that you had made this video just for me! My challenges with over-extending my knees, and aggressively moving my tailbone are all addressed. It was one thing to know in my head - another thing to experience fully. A practice to return to.
Nathan Briner
Cassandra, that’s wonderful! I always feel that discovering things like you’re speaking of helps to open new possibilities and potential in the practice, all new ways that these new elements could support other poses. 
Thank you for sharing your experience. 
Whitney B
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I really felt balanced in this practise today. Your gentle reminders to feel the front and back working together to bring harmony to my body. It’s difficult to explain but the way you pointed out not overextending my knees or my lumbar back, helped me to really understand the flow and balance each pose gives. Thank you so much for that. I will definitely bring that in to my continued yoga practice 
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