So very grateful for another wonderful start to my Saturday- "self realization is a group effort" - I will ponder that all day! So beautiful to share these sessions - funnily enough yesterday I pulled out my old Mr. Schiffman Backyard series DVDS - I sometimes get an overwhelming urge to hear his voice and laugh - and I was struck by the similar vibe you folks are creating in your own spaces - just wonderful!
Michelle, Schiffmann’s backyard series was so radical and groundbreaking! I’m gonna have to download those again cuz I don’t have a DVD player anywhere. So happy to be here together. Love.
Absolutely - and the cat´s adorable!it was weird cos I cant remember the last time I watched them and when I put them into laptop- nothing happened ! Haha - DVDS are so last century babe- I did manage to download a media player and ---bliss! I also watched the Freedomstyle with Schiffmnan and friends and hey Kira - is that a sweet young you in pretty bunches? The soundtrack (in the days before playlists!) is just brilliant too
Michelle! Yes, that's me! Hahah. I loved those days so much. Practicing with Schiffmann created such a wide stable foundation. His generosity permeates my whole being. Happy you are here!! xok
This was blissful and delightful. I love your invisible friends. I really appreciated the invitation to experience the post-shimmy bliss through the practice, and having time to feel into it. Thank you to you and all your friends, Kira!