The Yoga Show with Kira & Friends: Feel and Share the Support<br>Kira Sloane

The Yoga Show with Kira & Friends: Feel and Share the Support
Kira Sloane

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Susan R
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Such a good class :)
Kira Sloane
Susan, LOVE! xok
Erika M
2 people like this.
I love your classes so much! Thank you for sharing all your love! I also love your beautiful yoga cat! 😘🙏🏻❤️😻
Kira Sloane
Erika, I love my beautiful cat too! His name is MeYou. Thank you so much for being here. xoK
Rosanna S
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This class was wonderful! Being able to feel supported and receptive is the work! Thank you!
Kira Sloane
Rosanna S, THANK YOU for BEING here!!! xok
Catherine R
Finally a cure for my discombobulated, non-stop monkey-mind, fidgety day!  I'm so at peace now as I move into my evening and bed time routine.  Thank you! 
Kira Sloane
Catherine R, wonderful news!xok
Julia P
2 people like this.
Lovely balancing and centring practice thank you Kira. My cat got inspired by yours and joined in too! 
Kira Sloane
Julia P, Fun! xok
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