30 Minute Yoga Flows: Grounding Flow<br>Lydia Zamorano

30 Minute Yoga Flows: Grounding Flow
Lydia Zamorano

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Kate M
This was just lovely, Lydia! It WAS nice to take a little break from the Chaturanga flow. Thank you!
Lydia Zamorano
Kate M I agree Kate! There are so many ways to move freely and strongly. I'm wishing you all the best and thanks for commenting. Lydia 
David G-
Definitely filled with wonder at this practice. I had one of those bad balance days, fought through it, but  then tried to find the intrinsic muscles for “fluid strength”.  Work in progress, but a big whatever! Loved the modified pigeon pose and the leg circles. 
Lydia Zamorano
David Goldstein Those leg circles are my favourite! Nice to hear you had a wondrous day. It's getting exciting over here with two kids under 8 and the holidays approaching. Warmth, Lydia 
Sandra Židan
Beautiful practice! Thanks, Lydia! Namaste! 💝💖
Lydia Zamorano
Sandra Židan Happy you enjoyed it Sandra. Thanks for taking the time to comment and share your experience with me. Wishing you a beautiful day! 
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