20 Minute Yoga Flows: Mandala Moon Flow<br>Sarah Beston

20 Minute Yoga Flows: Mandala Moon Flow
Sarah Beston

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Sarah Beston
Thank you so very much for sharing your experience, Francesca Venturini. It's lovely to be practicing with you. Wishing you and yours a lovely holiday season!
Sarah Beston
Thanks for being here, Pat Pao! Warmly, Sarah
Sarah Beston
Thank you for sharing, Sabine L! Wishing you a beautiful day and hope to practice with you again soon. Warmly, Sarah
Sarah Beston
Thank you for the beautiful message and for sharing your experience, Jenny S! It's such a joy to be practicing together and you're reminding me to roll out my mat during this time!
Brenda S
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Hi Sarah, you are right… We did a lot in a little amount of time. It was perfect for me because I’m just getting back into some easy flowers. Thank you and Namaste
Glenford N
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A beautiful way to resume my practice after a period away from the mat.  The peace and serenity reminded me what I'd been missing. Namaste
Sarah Beston
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Thank you for sharing and it's a pleasure to be practicing with you, Brenda S!
Sarah Beston
So happy you were able to find a little peace and serenity, Glenford N!
Samantha P
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This was such a lovely practice. Thank you so much!
Sarah Beston
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Thank you for practicing with me here, Samantha P! Wishing you and your loved ones a wonderful holiday season!
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