20-Minute Yoga Flows: Mandala Moon Flow<br>Sarah Beston

20-Minute Yoga Flows: Mandala Moon Flow
Sarah Beston

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Lillian M
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This was good. Thank you
Sarah Beston
You're so welcome, Lillian M! Thank you for practicing with me here. Warmly, Sarah
Lillian M
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This is the 2 time I did this. It is still good. Thank you.
Judi Garcia
Hi Sarah, this is my Monday morning mandala, perfect way to start my work week.  namaste - Judi
Thank you, Sarah. I'm so grateful for these short vinyasa practices. When there's "no time" before work, there's almost always 20 minutes. :)
Sarah Beston
Hi, Judi Garcia, I am so sorry that I missed this from a year ago. I am happy to hear that you enjoy this practice at the start of your week. I hope you are still here and enjoying the practices. Warmest regards, Sarah
Sarah Beston
1 person likes this.
Right, Lori?! I think we can always find 20 minutes. There is a proverb that is something along the lines of, "if you don't have time to meditate for an hour everyday, then meditate for two hours." Love this!
Lenise Jay
1 person likes this.
Thank you for the flow!
1 person likes this.
Love this. Thank you!
Sarah Beston
Thank you for practicing with me, Kallipais. Warmly, Sarah
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