Kundalini Rising: Overcoming Limitations<br>Kara Looney

Kundalini Rising: Overcoming Limitations
Kara Looney

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Kara L Thank you very much. I will do what you suggest! So happy you are back!
Kara L
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AnaSofia great to be back and thanks for the warm re-welcoming. 🙏
David G-
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Kara: Some random thoughts. I felt so much heat with the movements. Going at your speed and focussing on the third eye is challenging. This practice is great for anyone slumped at a computer or like me, on a bike for hours; the three-dimensional spine movements and shoulder strengtheners are a workout. The Saat Nam (sorry about spelling) was fascinating. It felt like an alignment vibration. The melody in the opening chant also was soulful. I felt how much you love yoga in your heartfelt singing in the end. Another favorite part were the lateral arm swirls—good practice for super heroes/heroines +. Silly, but effective way to make these movements fun and playful to ease the effort. The washer and dryer were noisy, so I didn't get the full effect of the sound bath. Bummer.  Love to see how these practices were off the mat as well. I noticed how you made the practice gender neutral. Much appreciated. Best, David 
Kara L
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David G- Hi! I’m thrilled to know how much awareness you are involving in your participation of these classes. That’s what it’s all about - using these techniques as a means to create deeper inner awareness. Sharing your experience in community is a huge part of that process too. Thanks for all your insights and thoughts shared David. It’s seems you also have a great deal of love for yoga too 🙏. Please keep me posted with your further discoveries!
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