60 Minute Yoga Flows: Practice with Ease & Focus<br>Birgitte Kristen

60 Minute Yoga Flows: Practice with Ease & Focus
Birgitte Kristen

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Tracey S
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Such a lovely practice. Thread the needle/reclined pigeon always feels so good. And I hadn't done bridge with blocks before, love experiencing new things in yoga. Thank you, Birgitte :)
Tracey S Great to hear. Thank you so much for your feedback. I am a big fan of hip openers and supported Bridge Pose.Warmest, Birgitte
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During prasarita padottanasana when you were talking about how it isn't important that the crown of your head reaches the floor, I laughed out loud when you said "And indeed maybe one day it does; your life is not going to change, alright? Your head is just touching the floor." That's exactly the truth! Thank you for the lovely practice Birgitte!
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Brit Hi Brit, And, it is so important yo keep things in perspective....and laugh. Thank you for practicing with me. I will be filming more videos the end of this month and will make sure to insert a few more insightful thoughts (lol)......Warmest, Birgitte
Kalina M
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Hello! The video is only 35 min. Is it only me who has this problem? :)
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Kalina M Hi kalina, I just checked. It is 60 minutes long. I went to the 35 minute spot and continued watching. Not sure what is going on with your streaming device....did you check other videos to see if the problem occurs again? Hope you can easily fix this issue on your end. Warmest, Birgitte
Elizabeth M
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Hi, Kalina M - the video is playing through for me as well. If you are still having trouble, please email us at support@yogaanytime.com so we can troubleshoot with you 🙏 
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