30 Minute Vinyasa Yoga: Ether: Anything is Possible<br>Shelley Williams

30 Minute Vinyasa Yoga: Ether: Anything is Possible
Shelley Williams

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Shelley Williams
Laura G Laura, you are so very welcome! Thank you for being here and sharing how this practice affected you! 
Shelley Williams
Kate M Kate! So glad you are feeling the gentle potency of this one. I hope it inspired your practice in a sweet way. As always, thank you so much for your kind comments! 
Kate M
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Shelley Williams I actually had so much energy once I started teaching the class last night! I surprised myself LOL!   : ) So many ways of working with energy...  : )
Cristina T
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It was so fun and opening, thank you so much :)
Shelley Williams
Cristina T Cristina, you are so very welcome, I am glad to know you found it helpful! Happy practicing :)
Kate M
1 person likes this.
This is such an inspiring theme. How our world needs this, everywhere, on every level. Creating space... I remember Richard Freeman saying "Space is the architecture of compassion..."
Laura M
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wow!!! amazing!! I feel So good. thank you!!
Shelley Williams
Kate M Love this quote, Kate! Thank you for sharing!! 
Shelley Williams
Laura M Thank you Laura! Catching up on these sweet notes, and I appreciate yours so much! 
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