Let's Feel Better: Move Some Energy<br>Alana Mitnick

Let's Feel Better: Move Some Energy
Alana Mitnick

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Jenny S
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Alana! I’m not sure how I missed this little gem…it’s so nice to see you here again 🥰 you are radiant as always (well, maybe even more radiant 🐣) and I’m so happy for you!  I loved this short but sweet practice and I’m sure it will come in handy when I’m feeling depleted and only have a small bit of time to get my body and brain moving 🙏🏻❤️
Alana Mitnick
Jenny S, So wonderful to hear from you! I'm delighted to be able to offer this short "Let's Feel Better" practice to help move some energy and clean out the cob webs.  I always appreciate your presence and support here. Stay close. Love, Alana 
Sandra Židan
Thanks, Alana, for this beautiful short practice! It was exactly what I needed today! I am happy to be able to practice with you again! How are you doing? Namaste! ❤️
Alana Mitnick
Hi Sandra Židan! Great to hear from you! I'm so delighted that you enjoyed this short and sweet practice to get the juices flowing. Life is busy as full as new Mom. I hope you are well! Namaste, Alana 
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so nice to have 10 min practices - no excuse not to 'feel better'! thanks Alana. :)
Alana Mitnick
Absolutely, Matthew! 10 minutes is so doable and makes such a difference. So glad you are here, Matthew! Warmly, Alana 
Lina S
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I'm glad to have this "snippet of yoga class". Perfect for those days full of surprises or when you're short  on time. Thank you!
Alana Mitnick
Hi Lina S! I'm delighted that you discovered this short practice. It's amazing how a little bit of Yoga goes a long way. So glad you are here! Love, Alana 
Kate M
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Loved it, Alana! So encouraging for folks... a practice need not be a huge time investment!
Alana Mitnick
Exactly Kate M! It’s so heart warming to hear from you and to know that we are practicing together. I truly admire your dedication. Love, Alana 
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