Enliven Your Senses: A 7-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 6: Seat of Intuition<br>Sarah Beston

Enliven Your Senses: A 7-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 6: Seat of Intuition
Sarah Beston

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Jenny S
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I loved the dream-like quality of this practice.  The slow and steady pace and the juxtaposition of strength and ease.  Just beautiful…🌜✨🌛
Catherine A
Absolutely delicious, Sarah 💖😍
Francesca Venturini
Sarah, it was sublime for me. I find myself in a state of peace and fullness, a place I would like anyone could feel. So grateful for that!!
Kate M
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gently introspective... thank you, Sarah.
Rachel S
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This one was my favorite in the series so far. Just yummy. Thank you!
Ruth V
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very peaceful practice
Glenford N
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Thanks Sarah for helping me to spend time listening and being held by my inner voice. It was a beautiful, limitless space. Namaste.
Sandra Židan
Beautiful practice! Thanks, Sarah! Namaste! 🥰❤️💖
Sarah Beston
Thank you so much for sharing, Jenny S! I’m so happy to be practicing with you and sharing these experiences with you here. 🌙
Sarah Beston
What a great word, Catherine A! I hope your new year is off to a beautiful beginning. ✨
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