Yoga for Mobility: Yoga with Weights<br>Melina Meza

Yoga for Mobility: Yoga with Weights
Melina Meza

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Elizabeth M
I love this class! I bought hand and ankle weights for this class, and they make a big difference 💪🏼 Thank you for another awesome season, Melina!
Melina Meza
Thanks Elizabeth! Great to hear you're falling in love with weights, I can't wait to hear how you feel in a few months from now. I've been working with the weights since January and now can't imagine doing my yoga routine without them. Here's to more strength in the new year!
Lina S
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I've enjoyed the variety of exercises, especially the balance exercises on one leg.
Kate M
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Woww! Im going to have to work into this gradually. Great strengthening practice! This has made me realize that I really need to work on strength. Love it! I'm coming back!!
Melina Meza
Wonderful news! I found that within a few months using the weights consistently, I started to feel stronger in many poses. I hope the same happens for you.
Jenny S
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Oh my did I need this practice!  I’ve been laying low for the past week or so and finally today I felt ready to practice this class I’ve been so looking forward to 😌. It’s amazing how the weights provide the extra grounding and feedback in the poses!  I’m sure I will be feeling this tomorrow but I’m going to keep my weights out in plain sight to remind me to incorporate them into my practice more often.  Thanks for your expert tips and guidance 💪🥰🙏🏻
4 people like this.
This is a deceptively good workout. I’m coming back to it
Catherine N
What was great about the class was the pace and creativity. Thanks!
Melina Meza
Thanks for exploring Yoga with Weights everyone! I hope these become regular props in your practice and help you feel stronger each month. I'm a big fan of doing this type of practice 3-5 times a week, perhaps you'll enjoy how that feels too.
Kate M
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True confession: I actually split this up into 3 practice sections!! I'm going to keep working at it to maybe do the full 30 minutes in one go. One day!!
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