20-Minute Yoga Flows: Joy of Breath<br>Justin Randolph

20-Minute Yoga Flows: Joy of Breath
Justin Randolph

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Martha K
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Fun, quick and energizing. Lots of joy in this practice!
Jenny S
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Breath work and asana together in a sweet 20 minute class makes this the perfect antidote for hectic days.  Mindful breathing can really change everything for the better! Thank you  for weaving this into today’s practice Justin 🙏🏻❤️
Sarah S
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Thank you so much, Justin! I am so happy my to have found your teachings. Your style is joyful and grounded 💕💕💕💕
Horst R
4 people like this.
love it...beautiful, dear
Kate M
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Nice! Thank you, Justin! : )
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Woohoo! What a spark of joy! Fun to explore the fast cat/cow :) I'll be including that in my self practice. 
Justin R
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Martha K Thank you for practicing with me! So glad you felt the joy! The fast cat/cow is awakening and invigorating for sure! 
Justin R
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Jenny S Thank you! Mindful breath is everything and can incite rapid change. I'm so glad you practiced with me again! 
Justin R
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Sarah S Thank you so much Sarah! I'm so glad you practiced with me. ❤️
Justin R
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Horst R Much gratitude for practicing with me! 🙏
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