Burn Bright: A 14-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 8: Reset<br>Ashley Rideaux

Burn Bright: A 14-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 8: Reset
Ashley Rideaux

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Amanda H
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That was luxurious Ashley definitely added that to my Favorites playlist. So grateful.
Ashley R
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There’s nothing quite like taking the time to purposely slow down and nurture self💕✨ I’m so glad you enjoyed today’s class, Amanda H 🤗
Lea M
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This was lovely! I want to do it every day.  I am enjoying all the other episodes too.
Ashley R
Lea M, I totally support you living the “reset” everyday dream🤗 So happy you’re enjoying the challenge😘
Elena L
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Hi Ashley! Loving every episode! This was a very interesting one, I felt the resistance to slow down, to be still so it was very special to be curious about it and learn from it and allowing myself to be gentle even with those feelings. Thank you !
Ashley R
Elena L, I’m so happy to hear that you gave yourself grace to feel and be present with what was showing up for you on the mat today. It is sometimes incredibly hard to slow down because that’s often when the brain gets busy. What a beautiful thing to be able to approach observing self with curiosity, a desire to learn and the patience to be gentle with all of it. Thank you so much for sharing❤️
Kate M
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Abhinivesha is often translated as "fear of death" - but I remember that Raviji (elsewhere on YA, I believe) suggested that it was more like "fear of change". That you have distilled it down to "fear" makes perfect sense to me. We fear what we do not know... For me, trying to remember and know that we are held in infinite love helps!
Such a lovely, grounding, introspective practice. Thank you, Ashley R !
Ashley R
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I love hearing all the different ways of defining/interpreting abhinivesha. Sri Swami Satchidananda and several other translators of the sutras define it as “clinging to bodily life.” In my studies with different sutras scholars, it also helped me when this final obstacle was distilled down to fear; and some would say all fear (no matter how large, or small) stems from a fear of death. Thank you, Kate M , for sharing and for the beautiful reminder that we are held in infinite love. It’s light a bright light breaking through the darkness of fear, and all of the obstacles❤️
Katie H
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Awww Ashley, I haven’t jumped into the challenge yet but this was such a sweet succinct and delicious way to unwind from my day before bed. I’m currently a few months postpartum and these gentle supportive stretches were just what I needed to unwind. Thank you for the thoughtful practice. I might have to check out the rest of the challenge!
Ashley R
Katie H thank you for your thoughtful message. I’m so happy this gentle practice served you well and congratulations on your new baby! Sending loads of love your way❤️
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