Burn Bright: A 14-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 8: Reset<br>Ashley Rideaux

Burn Bright: A 14-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 8: Reset
Ashley Rideaux

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Sandra Židan
Thank you very much, Ashley, for this beautiful and slow practice - I needed it to take a rest from the last night and the celebration. I wish a happy New Year 2024 to you and to everyone here on Yoga Anytime! Namaste! ❤️🥰🎄
Lina S
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Nice regenerating practice with a profound message. Thank you!
Jenny S
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It’s very cool how these practices on Yoga Anytime are filmed pretty far in advance,  and somehow it often seems that the perfect class airs on a certain day 💥 thus is the case with this gentle restorative offering, an ideal New Year’s Day yogic experience.  Thank you Ashley and all the great people at YA and Blessings for a Healthy and Happy 2024! 🎊🎉❤️
Ashley R
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Sandra, it’s such a gift to slow down from time to time😌 I’m glad this practice met you in just the right moment❤️ Happy New Year!
Ashley R
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Lina, you are so very welcome. Thank you for taking a bit of time to slow down and reset, physically and mentally, with me today❤️
Ashley R
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Jenny, I couldn’t have said it better myself. The team steering the ship at YogaAnytime is truly incredible, and their timing is impeccable 🤗  Wishing you and yours a Happy & Healthy New Year🥳
Elizabeth M
Jenny SSandra ŽidanLina SAshley R Happy New Year from Yoga Anytime! Thank you for being with us! 🙏 🌟 
Ashley R
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Elizabeth M, it’s such a pleasure to be here with you🤗✨
Luna J
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Ashley-- your voice is velvet calm, purple rivers of wisdom washing over me. I didn't want to come to the mat today (I'm grieving and my family has covid) but I did, and thankfully the class was restorative and exactly what I needed. It can't be easy to plan a course like this and them to film class after class without anyone in the room. Yet I feel you so present, like we really are in the same room. What a gift you are. How do I find out where you teach in person?
Ashley R
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Luna J, thank you for your incredibly kind words about my teaching. I am so sorry to hear that you are currently grieving and dealing with household full of Covid. That’s so much to carry, so extra big kudos to you for finding your way to your mat in the midst of it all and I’m so happy to hear that the practice was what you needed in this moment❤️ Feel free to check out my website for details of where you can find me teaching in person (yoga-with-Ashley.com). Sending a big virtual hug and a bit of extra love your way.
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