Burn Bright: A 14-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 14: Bask<br>Ashley Rideaux

Burn Bright: A 14-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 14: Bask
Ashley Rideaux

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Tara L
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Ashley, thank you for this beautiful practice. What a way to finish the challenge. This practice felt so soothing and nurturing. I loved this series, thank you!! 
Ashley R
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Tara L, congratulations on completing the challenge🎉 It’s been a delight having you along for the journey and such a treat to chat with you in these class forums. I’m so happy you enjoyed the series. Thank you❤️
Christel B
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What a beautiful ending to a delightful journey with you. Thank you for your challenge; it was delightful.
Ashley R
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Christel B, you are so very welcome! Thank you for coming on this journey with me. I’m really happy to hear that you enjoyed it❤️
Vedra R
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Thank you, Ashley R  for this wonderful challenge. It met me right where I was at...even though I had to take a detour due to personal reasons :) your kind words and wisdom touched my heart and gave me the right energy I needed to push through. I love how you teach and explain things, keep inspiring and being the light that you are!
Ashley R
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Vedra R , you have me teary-eyed over here🥹 Thank you for your kind words and your enduring spirit. You’ve truly touched my heart. Sending a bit of extra love your way as you navigate the detours, and heaps gratitude for joining me on this journey❤️
Sarah-Jane Stephens
Thank you so much for some really inspiring classes. I will definitely be revisiting them and hope to join you for more of this wonderful journey in the future.
Ashley R
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Thank you so very much, Sarah-Jane Stephens and congratulations on completing the challenge🎉  It has been really chatting with your through these class forums and I look forward to our paths crossing again🤗❤️
Kate M
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Woot woot!
Thank you for creating this fun, challenging, thoughtful journey! 
Thank you for your compassionate and encouraging guidance!
Love, love!
Ashley R
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Yay, Kate M ! Congratulations on completing the series🎉 It has truly been a delight connecting with you on this platform over the last month. Thank you for your thoughtful comments and don’t be a stranger😘
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