HI Alana, i'm new to YA and i love your classes , this one especially as its little harder than the others i tried. if you have any other harder ones ( i like dynamic ) can you let me know? ALso i just wanted to ask, when you raise your leg high and float between the hands from downward dog, i find i land nowhere near between my hands ( a bit frustrating) is there any suggestions for getting closer or does this come with time? my hips are really tight usually. THANK YOU I Love your work x
Welcome, Kristine! So happy that you are here! As Ted mentioned, you will discover more Level 2 classes in the release of Season 2 in the coming weeks. Stay tuned!
As for "floating" your foot between the hands - this is quite challenging for most people. You might try using 2 blocks (under your hands, at the lowest setting) in downward dog, and play with lifting a leg and stepping forward. Most of the action comes from engaging the core (knee to forehead) as you round the upper back towards a plank position. In the next Season, I will share some warm ups and techniques for stepping forward. Thank you, Kristine! Please keep me posted. xo
Thankyou Ted! :) and Thank you so much alana ! what a wonderful thing Yoga anytime is reaching me in australia and what a wonderful teacher you are thank you xx
Thanks Alana, just getting back into exercise after a week away of doin g nothing. Now going into autumn, have felt so lethargic for the past few days, but this workout gave me a kick that i needed to get back into it. Found it challenging at first, but the time flew by.Thank you