Good Morning Yoga: Hip and Heart Centered Flow<br>Alana Mitnick

Good Morning Yoga: Hip and Heart Centered Flow
Alana Mitnick

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Jo L
Your guidance is motivating. I feel like I am in a personal class which slowly builds toward increasing strength and knowledge. No other online class builds equally and gently as your class. (Well Kira does the same). In language learning we call this input + 1. I am grateful to have you in my life.
Kit & Dee Dee
Wonderful start to the week! Thanks Alana Mitnick !
Alana Mitnick
Hi Kit &amp; Dee Dee! Always wonderful to hear from you guys. Stay tuned for a new season of Good Morning Yoga coming this June! xoA
Alana Mitnick
Dearest Jo! For some reason I am just now seeing your beautiful message. I am so delighted to be practicing together and look forward to our paths crossing again soon. Please keep me posted! Stay tuned for a new season of Good Morning Yoga practices coming this June! With love from Ojai, xoA
Glenford N
Thanks Alana. I'm trying to cultivate that mindfulness of body and attention without grasping or straining. Today's practice just flew, as if I was in a time bubble. It's dedicated to my beautiful Indian housemate Sneha who has to move out due to a family crisis at home. I wish her well. Namaste.
Alana Mitnick
Hi Glenford. Thank you for another insightful sharing. Non grasping or straining is a highly advanced skill. :) Nice work today! Best wishes to you and Sneha. Namaste!
Glenford N
Thanks Alana. I have found a new housemate much quicker than expected. Life is good and yoga is the source of life. Namaste.
1 person likes this.
Thank you for this beautiful practice. I really love the pace of these sun salutations, with time to breathe.
Alana Mitnick
Hi Ali! Lovely to hear from you. Yes... time and space to breathe is where it's at! So glad you enjoyed this practice. Love, Alana 
Silvia Chierchini
Ciao Alana, I'm starting to learn how to keep up with the rithm of this practice 😀. I've a question: on what should I focus on while doing the bridge seen that my attention goes 90% on squeezing the buttocks 🙄. Thank you for your support
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