Keepin` it Real: Morning Practice for Beginners<br>Robert Sidoti

Keepin` it Real: Morning Practice for Beginners
Robert Sidoti

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Robert Sidoti
This is so good to hear Cheryl !! To find the yoga/Meditation practice at a young age is priceless, so valuable :)) Thank you so much for sharing this with me - lmk how it goes!! 
Ch Marie d’I
No yoga for a week , lots of planes...even doing this gentle practice I felt cramps in my legs ;) But it was perfect to go back on my mat like a beginner we always are in a way. 🙏
Robert Sidoti
The Beginners Mind - what a refreshing place to reside - always open and available to soak up new information and knowledge - a spacious mindset, not full of ourselves thinking we already know it all :) To show up as a beginner on the mat, more opportunities to discover new space in our bodies and practice. You are awesome, thanks for sharing here Ch Marie d’I !! 
Janet M
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Thank you so much ..I’ve been doing yoga daily online for over a year and this was the most simple instructive of them all ...given me more confidence to keep trying
Robert Sidoti
Yay Janet M !! I appreciate you sharing this with me - it's a nice reminder and helpful in my continued efforts in creating good and valuable content that can be absorbed and understood clearly, giving you, the student,  the confidence and encouragement to continue :))) 
Ashish S
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amazing class. First time I understood how to breathe along with the poses. Thank you!
Back with you Robert after a long pause. Torn meniscus last year so taking it easy. Missed hearing your calm gentle thorough explanations. Add my own many years practices. Loving being back with you. Come to New Zealand! While you can.
Ch M d'I
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Two in a row, so happy to be practicing again ! 🙏
Robert Sidoti
Hey hey hey Ch M d'I !!! Welcome back, welcome hOOOOMMMe :)) Sometimes we have to step away from the practice for a bit - only to come back to realize and be reminded how special and needed it is :)) 
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